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The Minister as Entrepreneur - 16 Church buildings can be a resource
The Minister as Entrepreneur - 16 Church buildings can be a resource
by SPCK - Michael Volland
Church buildings can be a resource During their interviews over two-thirds of my respondents discussed issues relating to the buildings occupied by the churches of which they were a part. I found this particularly interesting since in the interviews I didn’t ask directly about ch
Enabling Church: inclusion of disabled people - Author's introduction
Enabling Church: inclusion of disabled people - Author's introduction
by SPCK - Gordon Temple and Lin Ball
Author’s Introduction: Living interdependently The life experience of those in the African bush is so different from that of those in Europe, as I discovered on a trip to Malawi and Uganda. I felt privileged to spend time with some of the poorest people on the planet: blind peopl
New Testament Wisdom for Everyone - The Mystery and The Victory
New Testament Wisdom for Everyone - The Mystery and The Victory
by SPCK - N T Wright
5 THE RENEWAL OF THE WORLD THE MYSTETY AND THE VICTORY 1 Corinthians 15: 50-58 He stood there in baggy jeans, trainers, and an old sweater. ‘You can’t come in like that,’ I said. ‘This is a smart lunch, and we’re the guests. We’ve got to get it right.’ ‘No problem,’ he replied, a
When nations are healed and all warfare is banished
When nations are healed and all warfare is banished
by Andrew Pratt
When nations are healed and all warfare is banished, the hungry are fed and the poor lifted high, the vision of glory, God's presence among us, will signify love and all hatred will die. The river of life will flow on unpolluted, the language we share will express common wealth,
The Women's Bible Commentary - Violence Condemned and Condoned? Oracles against the Nations and Israel