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Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Epiphany 1 - Year B
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Epiphany 1 - Year B
by SPCK - Ian Black
Epiphany 1 – Year B Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. At his baptism your voice, O Lord, announced your beloved Son. May all who are baptized in his name proclaim him in word and deed . . . Taken from Intercessions for Years A, B a…
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Proper 2 – Year B
Intercessions for Years A, B and C Book - Proper 2 – Year B
by SPCK - Ian Black
Proper 2 – Year B (Between 11 and 17 February, if earlier than 2 before Lent) Sing and give thanks to the Lord For all his wonderful works. If you choose, Lord Jesus, you can cleanse your Church from its squabbling divisions. Open our hearts to your transforming love . . . Taken …
by SPCK-Steve Moyise
Introduction In the two previous volumes, we used the Gospels – mainly Matthew, Mark and Luke – to reconstruct Jesus and Scripture and Paul’s letters – mainly Romans, Galatians, 1 and 2 Corinthians – to give an account of Paul and Scripture. In this volume, we consider the use of…
Meeting God in Paul - 4 Questions for reflection or group discussion and Lenten reading guide
Meeting God in Paul - 4 Questions for reflection or group discussion and Lenten reading guide
by SPCK - Rowan Williams
Questions for reflection or group discussion and Lenten reading guide 1 Outsiders and insiders: Paul’s social world 1 Who are our modern-day ‘citizens’ (those with full rights and status), ‘outsiders’ (those who ‘half-belong’ in our society) and ‘slaves’ (those with few rights)?…
Jeremiah for everyone - Looking for Spiritual Resources
Jeremiah for everyone - Looking for Spiritual Resources
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Looking for Spiritual Resources I just read about a couple who travelled to India because they couldn’t have a baby. The British medics were puzzled about the reasons, as both husband and wife seemed to be physiologically OK…
Parallel Lives of Jesus - Acknowledgments
Parallel Lives of Jesus - Acknowledgments
by SPCK - Edward Adams
Acknowledgments I must thank a number of people who helped in the production of this book. I am especially indebted to Richard Burridge, my colleague at King’s College London. His writings on the Gospels have deeply influenced the present work. My take on the Gospels as “parallel…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 1 Abbreviations
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 1 Abbreviations
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Abbreviations ABD David Noel Freedman, editor, The Anchor Bible Dictionary, 6 vols. (New York: Doubleday, 1992). BAGD Walter Bauer, W. F. Arndt, F. Wilber Gingrich, Frederick W. Danker, eds., A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (Chica…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 41 Bibliography
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 41 Bibliography
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Bibliography Aikman, David. Jesus in Beijing. Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2003. Aland, Kurt, ed., The Greek New Testament. New York: United Bible Societies, 1968… Taken from Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes by Kenneth E. Bailey
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 42 Notations on the Oriental Versions Used in this Study
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 42 Notations on the Oriental Versions Used in this Study
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Notations on the Oriental Versions Used in this Study Syriac The New Testament in Syriac. Noted as: Peshitta Syriac. Edited by John Gwynn. London: British and Foreign Bible Society, 1905-1920. This translation is the second of three Syriac New Testaments. It achieved its final fo…
Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 19 Suggested Resources