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Hymn: On these days of feast and freedom
Hymn: On these days of feast and freedom
by Andrew Pratt
On these days of feast and freedom when we recollect God's grace, let us dance and sing together, greet each other face to face. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: RUSSION AIR (arranged Peacok, Jubilate, in Carol Praise 48 and elsewhere), ST ANDREW (Thorne) Metre: Andrew Pratt
Hymn: In the days of righteous justice
Hymn: In the days of righteous justice
by Andrew Pratt
In the days of righteous justice peace will reign and love will dwell, God will cover all with comfort, heal our hurt and banish hell. Promise of the prophet's vision: God's shalom will cover earth, every continent and nation blessed as if with second birth. Verse 3 follows Tun
Hymn: God has called us to this table
Hymn: God has called us to this table
by Andrew Pratt
God has called us to this table, wheat and wine have each been brought; those who feast will never hunger: bread of life, yet food for thought. Heirs of Moses joined with Jesus, they remembered providence, manna fed them in the desert, underscored their confidence. Verses 3-5 fol
Hymn: Total life! Too much to swallow?
Hymn: Total life! Too much to swallow?
by Andrew Pratt
Total life! Too much to swallow? We should all be one with Christ, share the living and the dying: is this challenge over-priced? But if we have grasped the message, life is more than human gain, then perhaps the risk is worth it - never be the same again? Verses 3-4 follow Tune:
4 results