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The young widow goes to a strange land
The young widow goes to a strange land
by Rev. Margaret Roe
Ruth explains why she returns with Naomi to Bethlehem. Ruth ch1 The young widow goes to a strange land It was an impassioned speech, I don’t know where it came from. I would go with her wherever she went. Stay wherever she did. And I would identify myself with her people, the Jew
Revelation for Everyone - The Golden Censer
Revelation for Everyone - The Golden Censer
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Golden Censer Revelation 8.1-5 Bernard Levin was one of the greatest London journalists of the last generation. In his later years he wrote mostly for The Times, at one point producing three columns a week so varied, so lively, and sometimes so controversial, that for numerou
Simply Good News - The Power of Love
Simply Good News - The Power of Love
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Power of Love The clash between Jesus and the powers of the world – between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of humans – was never about God simply having a bit more power than humans, so that he could manage to beat them at their own game. It isn’t that God has stronger ta
Simply Jesus - The three puzzles
Simply Jesus - The three puzzles
by SPCK - N T Wright
The three puzzles Jesus of Nazareth, then, stands out in the middle of history. Tens of millions call him ‘Lord’ and do their best to follow him. Countless others, including some who try to ignore him, find that he pops up all over the place – a line in a song, an image in a film
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Family Wisdom (Prov. 1-9) A prologue announces that the book aims to impart wisdom (1:2–7). Thick with vocabulary essential to that endeavor, the prologue defines wisdom primarily in relational terms. Wisdom requires that everyone, the young and the wise alike, listen to instruct
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Reign of Solomon
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Reign of Solomon
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Reign of Solomon Four primary markers characterize Solomon’s kingship over Israel as presented in the book of Kings: his superlative wisdom, his remarkable prosperity, his accomplishment of building the temple, and his penchant for marrying foreign women. Solomon’s wisdom is
15 results