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What lies behind the universe
What lies behind the universe
by Andrew Pratt
What lies behind the universe, what power of thought or word, can make some sense of all we see, untangle the absurd? With human eyes we gaze beyond the confines of this earth, in sub-atomic particles we seek creation's birth. Reflecting in this self-same way on Jesus works and w
Not conscious of our end or our beginning
Not conscious of our end or our beginning
by Andrew Pratt
Not conscious of our end or our beginning, we cannot know the purpose of our lives, yet God preceded all our breathing, living, beyond our human span, our God survives. Confounded by a love we cannot fathom, enfolded in a love which from our birth: God held, will hold, through al
Sometimes convictions deep within
Sometimes convictions deep within
by Andrew Pratt
Sometimes convictions deep within can energise our action, to move us in another way, to find a new direction. God's spirit speaks within each mind, but like the sense of conscience is easy for us to avoid, a trick of our sub-conscious. Verses 3-5 follow Tune: BARBARA ALLEN; DOMI
5 results