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Poem/reflection: What happened to wisdom?
Poem/reflection: What happened to wisdom?
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem/reflection: What happened to wisdom? Whatever happened to the idea of the wisdom of age? Why is it that when I shop, or sit on a train, or walk through the town, I am treated as invisible by anyone under the age of thirty? Even in church I can be considered as irrelevant, si
Hymn: A handsome lad, but who would choose
Hymn: A handsome lad, but who would choose
by Andrew Pratt
A handsome lad, but who would choose the shepherd of the sheep, away at work up in the hills, might even be asleep? But Samuel asked, and Jesse called, and David came back home. A King, he hardly looked the part, more one who'd like to roam. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: BARCHESTER FAI
Hymn: We trust in one we name as God
Hymn: We trust in one we name as God
by Andrew Pratt
We trust in one we name as God, above all else we see; the ground of being, God of love, will hold and set us free. And all our worship, praise and prayer, can't magnify the grace that God is pouring all the while on us, within this place. Verse 3 follows Tune: BELMONT Metre: CM
by BRF - Dick France
The DEATH MARCH MARK 10: 32-34 ‘Were you there…?’ Verse 32 is one of the most vivid pieces of descriptive writing in Mark’s Gospel, and seems to preserve the impression of someone who was there at the time, who was himself part of the tableau this verse presents…
Deep Church Rising - 5 (part 3) Why It Matters 1 – Resurrection: A Case Study
Deep Church Rising - 5 (part 3) Why It Matters 1 – Resurrection: A Case Study
by SPCK - Andrew Walker and Robin Parry
Why It Matters 1 – Resurrection: A Case Study Let’s take a case study of how the pressures of modernity pose a challenge to orthodox faith. Christians confess of Jesus that “on the third day he was raised from the dead,” and of themselves a hope for “the resurrection of the dead…
Hymn: Unravelling the mysteries