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The Pastoral Letters - Watch Out For Disputes and Divisions
The Pastoral Letters - Watch Out For Disputes and Divisions
by SPCK - N T Wright
Watch Out for Disputes and Divisions Titus 3.8b-15 We received a charming wedding invitation today. In it, the young couple, both of whom are already working full time in the church, insisted that they didn’t want ordinary presents. Instead, they urged guests who wanted to do so
The Second Intercessions Handbook - Intercessions in Mainstream Worship
The Second Intercessions Handbook - Intercessions in Mainstream Worship
by SPCK - John Pritchard
1 INTERCESSIONS IN MAINSTREAM WORSHIP PRACTICALITIES This is a checklist of things to consider when preparing intercessions for mainstream worship: 1 Decide what’s special about this service. Is there a main theme from the Church’s year or from local church life? Will it be a sol
Moulin Rouge Bible Study Part 1
Moulin Rouge Bible Study Part 1
by Tim Marshall
A Bible Study which relies heavily on discussion rather than leading. Using the film 'Moulin Rouge' as a starting point and then looking at a variety of passages (which can be obtained from the web in a variety of different translations) There are questions to help start discussi
Through all the trees in forest, copse and wood
Through all the trees in forest, copse and wood
by Avis Palmer
Through all the trees in forest, copse and wood, Through Autumn leaves and Spring held in the bud, We see your beauty, know that it is good; Alleluia, Alleluia. When trees are still upon a Summer's day, Gazing, we sense the grace which they convey, And contemplating find we're ta
Simply Good News - Good Advice, Wrong News
Simply Good News - Good Advice, Wrong News
by SPCK - N T Wright
1, part b Good Advice, Wrong News In many churches, the good news has subtly changed into good advice: here’s how to live, they say. Here’s how to pray. Here are techniques for helping you become a better Christian, a better person, a better wife or husband. And in particular, he
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Introduction
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Introduction
by SPCK - N T Wright
INTRODUCTION We went into the cathedral for Evensong, and there was the verger looking all round for matches to light the candles. The old matchbox was empty, and someone, it seemed, had taken the spare one that was always kept at the back of the cupboard. Now of course you can s
Jesus, his home, his journey, his challenge - Jesus: his home
Jesus, his home, his journey, his challenge - Jesus: his home
by SPCK - David J. Bryan
Jesus: his home Introduction Throughout the Gospels Jesus is identified as Jesus of Nazareth (Mark 1.24). This might seem obvious to us but it is actually very surprising that someone who came to be seen by his followers as the Christ or Messiah should be so closely associated wi
Many will fall at the sign of the child
Many will fall at the sign of the child
by Michael Docker
Many will fall at the sign of the child, Just as many will rise with him too: The words of the prophecy speak to our world Lord, inspire us with what we must do When the sign is opposed many thoughts will be known As the actions of some make them plain; The Saviour who died holds
The Traffic Light Prayer