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Field of Wheat in the breeze
Field of Wheat in the breeze
by joel toombs
Image of a field blowing in the wind Use ideas: To illustrate Jesus stories about sowing and reaping, or PAuls comments about being battered but not broken - or as a background for a worship song breeze, wind, wheat, field, fields, barley, harvest, crop, crops, arable, green, wor
When I consider the heavens v2
When I consider the heavens v2
by Mark Boulton
Text from Psalm 8 v3-4 'When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers what is man'. Other images in this series: When I consider the heavens - Psalm 8:3-4 The heavens declare the glory of God - Psalm 19 The heavens declare the glory of God v2 - Psalm 19 In the beginnin
Echoing the Word - Eucharistic Prayer G
Echoing the Word - Eucharistic Prayer G
by SPCK - Paula Gooder & Michael Perham
15 Eucharistic Prayer G Eucharistic Prayer G has had a difficult history. It was first created within the Roman Catholic International Commission for English in the Liturgy and published in 1984. It received attention from Bishop Kenneth Stevenson, who worked on it to produce one
Echoing the Word - Eucharistic Prayer H
Echoing the Word - Eucharistic Prayer H
by SPCK - Paula Gooder & Michael Perham
16 Eucharistic Prayer H Eucharistic Prayer H, when authorized in Common Worship, had no precedent in English Anglican provision. One would search in vain in every rite between 1549 and 1980 for anything like it. Its two most significant features are the part it assigns to the who
by SPCK - N T Wright
Chapter Three ATHENE AND HER OWL: THE WISDOM OF THE GREEKS 2. The Shape and Content of First-Century Philosophy (iv) Four Leading Stoics (a) Seneca Seneca was born around the same time as Jesus of Nazareth. He wrote voluminously, employing a brilliant style which he could adapt i
Barefoot Prayers - Week 4 - Puzzles
Barefoot Prayers - Week 4 - Puzzles
by SPCK - Stephen Cherry
Week 4 Puzzles Life raises questions. It creates predicaments. It leads to situations that are not easily resolved and conflicts that refuse to be reconciled. Life is full of puzzles: and our prayer should embrace and hold some of the puzzles that we experience...
Prayer:God of the harvest
Prayer:God of the harvest
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God of the harvest God of the harvest, we pray for all those who work the land, farming with crops and animals to provide food for our tables. Their work is hard and demanding. They often feel under-valued and at the mercy of market forces that set prices, which make it d
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 9 July 1930
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 9 July 1930
by SPCK - Frank C Laubach
The Letters 9 JULY 1930 Never did I so feel the need of a silent typewriter as at this moment, for every stroke clashes with the marvelous silence of the hills tonight. I am still under the spell of that hush and of that sunset. In all my life I have never seen a sight so beautif
In the wonder of creation (His love goes on)