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Jeremiah for everyone - The Misleading Scholars
Jeremiah for everyone - The Misleading Scholars
by SPCK - John Goldingay
The Misleading Scholars Yesterday a student asked me whether a particular book would be taken seriously by the wide majority of Old Testament scholars. The response I forgot to make was that whatever is the consensus of scholars today won’t be the consensus in a decade’s time…
Echoing the Word - Eucharistic Prayer H
Echoing the Word - Eucharistic Prayer H
by SPCK - Paula Gooder & Michael Perham
16 Eucharistic Prayer H Eucharistic Prayer H, when authorized in Common Worship, had no precedent in English Anglican provision. One would search in vain in every rite between 1549 and 1980 for anything like it. Its two most significant features are the part it assigns to the who
Poem: Wealthy, or wise?
Poem: Wealthy, or wise?
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Wealthy, or wise? A wealthy man who wanted more than all the goods he had in store: a wealthy man whose healthy food could only make his life so good: a wealthy man, obeying laws, and yet his life-style gave him cause to seek an answer, most profound, on how eternal life is
4 results