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Hymn: A handsome lad, but who would choose
Hymn: A handsome lad, but who would choose
by Andrew Pratt
A handsome lad, but who would choose the shepherd of the sheep, away at work up in the hills, might even be asleep? But Samuel asked, and Jesse called, and David came back home. A King, he hardly looked the part, more one who'd like to roam. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: BARCHESTER FAI
A Man set off for Bethlehem
A Man set off for Bethlehem
by Marjorie Dobson
A man set off for Bethlehem to find himself a king. An animal and jar of oil was all he had to bring. He knew he would be met with fear for people knew his name, but he was sure God sent him there to make a special claim. When he arrived in Bethlehem God led him to a man whose ei
2 results