Puppets for Jesus - Planting your seeds
Puppets for Jesus - Planting your seeds
by Puppets for Jesus
Planting your seeds? Bible reference: Galatians 6:7 What are you sowing? - Puppets: Dad, Boy, 2 Girls. Rachel: Exciting isn’t it planting seeds and waiting for things to grow? Mark: Yep, sure is. Bethany: What have you planted, Rachel? Rachel: I planted some Beetroot, some carrot
Puppets for Jesus - Lion's Den Report
Puppets for Jesus - Lion's Den Report
by Puppets for Jesus
The Lions Den Report Bible Reference: Daniel 6 A wry look at the Daniel in the den story, reviewed in the style of a series of football post match interviews. Puppets: J. Mounsen = Mouse, Sven = Swedish Lion, Leo Beckham = Lion, Javed Seaman = Lion, JJ = Lion Cub (enter J.Mouson)
Puppets for Jesus - The Great Banquet
Puppets for Jesus - The Great Banquet
by Puppets for Jesus
The Great Banquet Bible Reference: Luke 14:15-24. Written for an International evening, we were able to involve some of our Iranian and Chinese friends so we have international puppets. (parts can be spoken in broken English)... Created by Puppets for Jesus, for more information
Puppets for Jesus - Mr Noah's Lifeline Cruise, got your ticket?
Puppets for Jesus - Mr Noah's Lifeline Cruise, got your ticket?
by Puppets for Jesus
Mr. Noah’s Lifeline cruise, Got your ticket? Bible Reference: Genesis 6&7 The Ark of salvation from the flood, pictures those who have trusted in Jesus for their salvation. Created by Puppets for Jesus, for more information click here.
There is a season - Good Friday Liturgy
There is a season - Good Friday Liturgy
by SPCK - Margaret Pritchard Houston
GOOD FRIDAY Were you there when they crucified my Lord? We gather in the chairs by the font. Hymn Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble. Were you there when they crucified m
There is a season - Pentecost Liturgy
There is a season - Pentecost Liturgy
by SPCK - Margaret Pritchard Houston
PENTECOST LITURGY Come down, O love divine! COMING TOGETHER IN THE LORD’S NAME We come into the church and sit in silence. When the service begins, we sing together, peacefully, over and over: Music: J. Berthier © Ateliers et Presses de Taizé, F-71250 Taizé-Communauté Leader…..
There is a season - The Easter Liturgy
There is a season - The Easter Liturgy
by SPCK - Margaret Pritchard Houston
THE EASTER LITURGY Celebrating the church year with children Alleluia! Christ is risen! We start in the darkness. reading Genesis 1.1–3, 5b; paraphrased summary of Genesis 1; Genesis 2.2 Reader….. A reading from the book of Genesis. In the beginning, God created the heavens and t
There is a season - Pentecost Introduction