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The Open Gate - Thanksgiving
The Open Gate - Thanksgiving
by SPCK - David Adam
Thanksgiving The psalmist says, ‘Come into his gates with thanksgiving, enter his courts with praise.’ One of the easiest ways to seek God is to think and thank; literally to count your blessings, to see the world as His creation, to see your life, and your eternal life, as in Hi…
The Open Gate - The Eucharistic Prayer
The Open Gate - The Eucharistic Prayer
by SPCK - David Adam
The Eucharistic Prayer At the centre of the Eucharist is the great eucharistic prayer. It is the offering of our Lord Himself to us, now in time and for all eternity. It contains the eternal relationship and love that our God always has towards us. It seeks to express deep myster…
The Open Gate - The Eucharistic Prayer - Prayers 3&4
The Open Gate - The Eucharistic Prayer - Prayers 3&4
by SPCK - David Adam
The Eucharistic Prayer [He] took bread and gave you thanks; he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take, eat; this is my body which is given for you. [Here the priest may break the bread, holding part in each hand and spreading his arms outwards to make the shape of th…
The Open Gate - The Offering