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MRDF Fair Feast - Reflection
MRDF Fair Feast - Reflection
You’re holding a party… who will you invite? This is what Jesus had to say: ‘When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers, your relatives or your rich neighbours…’ ‘When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind.’ L…
MRDF Fair Feast - All Age Talk (PowerPoint)
MRDF Fair Feast - All Age Talk (PowerPoint)
This presentation accompanies the all-age talk ‘Left out? Reach out’. The slides are advanced manually by pressing the return key. There are a total of 5 slides. Over one billion people went to bed hungry last night. But millions more didn't, thanks to fair trade and MRDF's commu…
MRDF Fair Feast - Poster
MRDF Fair Feast - Poster
Fair Feast Poster Over one billion people went to bed hungry last night. But millions more didn't, thanks to fair trade and MRDF's community projects. Fair Feast gives you the opportunity to help eradicate hunger and make the world a fairer place. it's a great way to celebrate Pa…
MRDF Fair Feast - Funny Feasts Quiz
MRDF Fair Feast - Funny Feasts Quiz
This presentation contains 18 slides and can be manually advanced by pressing the return key. Over one billion people went to bed hungry last night. But millions more didn't, thanks to fair trade and MRDF's community projects. Fair Feast gives you the opportunity to help eradicat…
Mary and Joseph
Mary and Joseph
by Twelvebaskets Ltd
Mary and Joseph on their Journey to Bethlehem. If you have picture editing tools you can click on the WHITE BACKGROUND and delete it and then save as a PNG file. This will allow you to overlay this image over any background or image of your choice. Ideal for PowerPoints. If you…
The Final Piece
The Final Piece
by Lee Pirie and twelvebaskets
The Final Piece of the Jig Saw. The jig saw is made up of commercial images of Christmas with the final piece, the centre piece bing that of the true Christmas meaning. Ideal to add to a PowerPoint over Christmas. Also Availabe with text: 'What's missing at the centre of Your Chr…
Light of The World