Lectionary 07/04/2024
- Second Sunday of Easter - Year B
1 John 1:1-2: 2
Hymn: The life of Christ, the love of God
Hymn: The life of Christ, the love of God
by Andrew Pratt
The life of Christ, the love of God, that we have seen, that we have known, gives comfort and encouragement to know we never are alone. The light of Christ is shining still, where we are met to break the bread, where homeless people find some warmth and where a hungry child is fe
by Antonia Saunders
A poem about Jesus and his magnificence Emmanuel God the Son, humbled in flesh, dwelt with us, Walked our paths, knew our grief and so thus, He is an example of how we might be, Without the prison of sin and iniquity. He leads us to God the Father, to freedom and life, To save us
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts For Sunday Issue 214