Lectionary 26/01/2025
- Third Sunday of Epiphany /Ordinary 3 - Year C
Luke 04: 14-21
All Desires Known - God's Fruitful Word Collect
All Desires Known - God's Fruitful Word Collect
by SPCK - Janet Morley
GOD’S FRUITFUL WORD Collect Isaiah 55.1–11; Luke 1.46b–55; Luke 4.14–21; 2 Timothy 3.14—4.5 O God our disturber, whose speech is pregnant with power and whose word will be fulfilled... Advent 3 (ABC); Epiphany 3 (C); Easter Vigil (ABC); Easter 6 (B); Proper 3 (B); Proper 10 (AC);
Here is the message that we hold
Here is the message that we hold
by Andrew Pratt
Here is the message that we hold, the words that drive us on, to bring Good News to those we meet until the Kingdom's come; until the reign of Christ is won in every time and place, until all people know that they are held within God's grace; Verses 3-4 follow Tune: FINGAL Metre:
Poem: Local lad
Poem: Local lad
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Local lad (This poem could be split into several voices and almost read as a conversation – or a gossiping session!) Local lad made good, he was. Or so they thought when he first came back to them. Their carpenter’s son with a reputation for being clever, ever since childho
Meditation - 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time C
Meditation - 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C But it hasn’t happened Luke 4:14-21 Captives will be released, The blind will see, The downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, The time of the Lord's favour has come; This scripture has come true today before your very eyes
Fresh Thoughts For Sunday - Fresh Thoughts for Sunday Issue 256