Andrew Pratt
Go out to the world, spread the news, God is with us
Go out to the world, spread the news, God is with us
by Andrew Pratt
Go out to the world, spread the news, God is with us, to heal us and strengthen, to care and protect. No place is too far from his care and perspective, no person too wretched to gain his respect. Verse 2-3 follow Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 18/1/2012 Stainer & Bell Ltd, L
Responsive Prayer: We cannot comprehend
Responsive Prayer: We cannot comprehend
by Andrew Pratt
Responsive Prayer: We cannot comprehend based on Psalm 147 We cannot comprehend the height and depth, the brightness and beauty of the stars above our heads, so in awe we praise you O God. You rebuild broken cities and gather together the outcasts, bringing peace we dare not imag
Remote and immense, far beyond comprehension
Remote and immense, far beyond comprehension
by Andrew Pratt
Remote and immense, far beyond comprehension, the heaven's a canvas, below it the earth spread out like a carpet of massive dimension, assurance of homing and place of our birth. And yet in our wonder we're blind to existence, we're deaf to the Word that brings wisdom and light,
In the temple, place of peace (version 2)
In the temple, place of peace (version 2)
by Andrew Pratt
In the temple, place of peace, Mary, Joseph, stand in awe; Anna comes with songs of joy, Simeon sings, yet knows the score. Bitter sweet this time of hope, winter passes Lent awaits; let us pause, reflect awhile: joy of birth or cross of hate? Verses 3-5 follow Tune: LAUDS (Wilso
How could this man from Nazareth
How could this man from Nazareth
by Andrew Pratt
How could this man from Nazareth speak with such power and heal the sick, he spoke with great authority, the healing might have been a trick? But those who came were healed, made well, and what he said was common sense, yet spoken in a way well honed, the word of God, the present
Meditation: God, we're stunned!
Meditation: God, we're stunned!
by Andrew Pratt
Meditation: God, we're stunned! God, we're stunned! Your nature is beyond our imagination, let alone our understanding. You feed and protect us, sustain and provide for us in every situation. Continues... Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 11/1/2012 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, E
When Moses uttered, ones who heard
When Moses uttered, ones who heard
by Andrew Pratt
When Moses uttered, ones who heard assumed he spoke for them, for now, not for some future time or place still wanting of a Saviour's grace. And yet those words would resonate beyond that early utterance, would still have force in later years to speak to latent needs and fears. V
The crisis had come, now they had to decide
The crisis had come, now they had to decide
by Andrew Pratt
The crisis had come, now they had to decide, to grasp what was safe, or to go with the tide. For Jesus was calling, and what would they say, would their actions say 'yes' or their words ring out 'nay'? He said, 'follow, follow, come on follow me, leave your nets and your lifestyl
What news is good? What words give hope?
What news is good? What words give hope?
by Andrew Pratt
What news is good? What words give hope? What sense of value do we feel when meeting with our God in Christ, what gives the sense, provides the seal? This seal of perfect love and faith, this hope of holiness and grace, the knowledge that our path is right, is given in our saviou
Hymn: Fierce waves have shaken fractured stone
Hymn: Fierce waves have shaken fractured stone
by Andrew Pratt
Fierce waves have shaken fractured stone, while cliffs have crumbled into sand, but faith is founded on a rock, eternal love will always stand. Our God, though humble, born of flesh, will hold, renew, restore, refresh. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ABINGDON Andrew Pratt (born 1948) W
Greeted by a man who knew them
Greeted by a man who knew them
by Andrew Pratt
Greeted by a man who knew them, though he'd never met or seen Philip, Peter or Nathaniel, never walked where they had been. Such perception raised suspicion, who this mystery man might be: self styled seer or wand'ring prophet? Who was it that they could see? Verses 2-3 follow
Prayer - We are 'fearfully and wonderfully made'
Prayer - We are 'fearfully and wonderfully made'
by Andrew Pratt
Prayer We are 'fearfully and wonderfully made', said the Psalmist. Each one of us human, yet bearing a spark of the divine, of our almighty, humble, vulnerable God; You are our God, And we are your people. Each of us is bound to the other by intangible strands, cords of love, at
Intangible strands bind your people together
Intangible strands bind your people together
by Andrew Pratt
Intangible strands bind your people together, as one in your Body, so wonderf'lly made, close joined by humanity, sisters and brothers, yet fractured and broken, you find us dismayed; For we have not trusted the person of Jesus, the risks that he took, the example You gave. When
Not conscious of our end or our beginning
Not conscious of our end or our beginning
by Andrew Pratt
Not conscious of our end or our beginning, we cannot know the purpose of our lives, yet God preceded all our breathing, living, beyond our human span, our God survives. Confounded by a love we cannot fathom, enfolded in a love which from our birth: God held, will hold, through al
We strain to hear the voice of God
We strain to hear the voice of God
by Andrew Pratt
We strain to hear the voice of God, this God who knows us inside out, a whispered voice of gentleness that never seeks to force or shout. Christ's voice was heard in Galilee by those who had the ears to hear, he challenged hypocrites with truth while sinners, sensing love, drew n
Baptised into being, the Lord of creation
Baptised into being, the Lord of creation
by Andrew Pratt
Baptised into being, the Lord of creation: the dove is descending the Spirit has come, it soars and it swoops on the face of the waters, Christ blessed in that moment, his mission begun. Here John the Baptiser will pass on the baton, though harsh and prophetic, his message, refin
Sometimes we wonder at the work
Sometimes we wonder at the work
by Andrew Pratt
Sometimes we wonder at the work of God whose name we praise, for God is not bent to our wants, nor to our words or ways. Our thoughts and actions, every rite, contain no magic powers. We have to let the Spirit blow through other lives and ours. Verses 3-5 follow Tune: AULD LANG S
Cedars of Lebanon, oaks of old England