SPCK - Tom Wright
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - Table manners and table matters - 15
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - Table manners and table matters - 15
by SPCK - Tom Wright
15 Table manners and table matters THE THANK-YOU PARTY There is much more that could be said. This little book is only a short introduction to a huge subject. But I want, in concluding, to look at six obvious questions…
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The greatest drama ever staged (part 2) - 14
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The greatest drama ever staged (part 2) - 14
by SPCK - Tom Wright
14 The greatest drama ever staged (part 2) Part Two THE THANK-YOU PARTY ‘Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them.’ Four actions heavy with significance. It would still be a Jesus-meal if you did all four in silence, with maybe a single word to refer to Jesus. …
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The greatest drama ever staged (part 1) - 13
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The greatest drama ever staged (part 1) - 13
by SPCK - Tom Wright
13 The greatest drama ever staged (part 1) Part Two THE THANK-YOU PARTY One of the best-loved stories in the Bible is the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24.13 –35). Cleopas and his companion (probably his wife, Mary) are going home on the evening of the first Easter Day. They are puzzled a…
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - A taste of what's to come - 11
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - A taste of what's to come - 11
by SPCK - Tom Wright
11 A taste of things to come Part Two THE THANK-YOU PARTY When the Israelites were wandering through the desert on their way to the promised land, Moses sent spies ahead into Canaan who would come back to tell what they had seen. (You can read the story in Numbers 13.)…
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The party and the parties - 8
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The party and the parties - 8
by SPCK - Tom Wright
8 The party and the parties Part Two THE THANK-YOU PARTY The Jesus-meal (to use an unusual though neutral phrase for it) was already woven into the heart of Christian living by the time Paul wrote to Corinth in the mid-50s, twenty years or so after Jesus’ death and resurrection. …
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - New meal, new life - 6
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - New meal, new life - 6
by SPCK - Tom Wright
6 New meal, new life Part One HOW IT ALL BEGAN The Meal Jesus Gave Us And of course there’s something else. Part of the story is that this God is taking the world somewhere. He’s got plans. Apparently he’s promised to do for all of us what he did for Jesus after he died. And for …
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - New meal, new story - 5
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - New meal, new story - 5
by SPCK - Tom Wright
5 New meal, new story Part One HOW IT ALL BEGAN So, like I said, it’s as though we’re now a single family. Thirty-two of us who heard the story and had the same thing happen to us. My wife heard the story and it had the same effect on her too, but half the others are people we’d …
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - New meal, new family - 4
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - New meal, new family - 4
by SPCK - Tom Wright
4 New meal, new family Part One HOW IT ALL BEGAN One more scene, and then we’ll stop play-acting. This, though, is where the story really starts, so we’re going to go into it a little more deeply, and take three chapters over it. We’re going back to Turkey, to a little town a hun…
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The Last Supper (or was it the first?) - 3
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The Last Supper (or was it the first?) - 3
by SPCK - Tom Wright
3 The Last Supper (or was it the first?) Part One HOW IT ALL BEGAN No more disguises. You’re going to be a real person this time. The trick will still work, because no one at the meal knew what was going on. Except the host, of course. He had set the whole thing up – arranged it …
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The Freedom Party - 2
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The Freedom Party - 2
by SPCK - Tom Wright
2 The Freedom Party Part One HOW IT ALL BEGAN To get into this next party, we will go back in time, and some distance in space. We are in the Jewish quarter of a small town in Turkey in about 200 BC. Like the Martian speaking English, you manage somehow to speak fluent Aramaic (t…
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The Birthday Party - 1