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The Open Gate - Introduction
The Open Gate - Introduction
by SPCK - David Adam
Introduction As long as we are alive, we are on the move. To become static is to stagnate and die. It is necessary for all living things to move and grow and change. Life is meant to be an adventure; change is a gift that we have to learn to use aright. In Celtic folk-tales a cur
The Open Gate - Preparation
The Open Gate - Preparation
by SPCK - David Adam
Preparation We all need to prepare ourselves for prayer, just as we get ourselves ready for meeting a friend. There are things we will want to share, and events we will want to talk about. We may want a bit of support or guidance, we may want to offer to do some work for our frie
Meditation - Trinity Sunday Year C
Meditation - Trinity Sunday Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – Trinity Sunday Time Year C Tomorrow John 16: 12-15 Why? Why go to such lengths to fill us in, Father God? As I look back over the history of your relationship with us I am staggered at the lengths you’ve done to keep us informed. You are God, accountable to no one, f
The Open Gate - The Eucharistic Prayer
The Open Gate - The Eucharistic Prayer
by SPCK - David Adam
The Eucharistic Prayer At the centre of the Eucharist is the great eucharistic prayer. It is the offering of our Lord Himself to us, now in time and for all eternity. It contains the eternal relationship and love that our God always has towards us. It seeks to express deep myster
The Open Gate - Candle Prayers
The Open Gate - Candle Prayers
by SPCK - David Adam
Candle Prayers These prayers are for the beginning and the ending of the day. It may help you to light a candle as a symbol of the presence and the power of God to triumph over every darkness. It is good to look at the flame and thank God that His light conquers the darkness, to
The Gospel According to twilight - Introduction