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Drama/dialogue: Eastern strangers
Drama/dialogue: Eastern strangers
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama/dialogue: Eastern strangers (A piece for two voices. The first one reads straight to the audience, as if ignoring the interruptions. The second interacts with the audience, letting them in on the comments and questions. Only in the last three lines do the two speakers relat…
Drama - Resolution
Drama - Resolution
by Kit Walkham
Looks at how the early Church resolved the questions raised by the conversion of Gentiles at Antioch. Illustrates a positive outcome to a deeply felt dispute through listening, prayer and a focus on mission. Cast - 2 male, 2 female. Staging requires the 2 couples to be in differe…
Revelation for Everyone - In the Throne Room
Revelation for Everyone - In the Throne Room
by SPCK - N T Wright
In the Throne Room Revelation 4.1-6a We were walking into the cathedral as part of a great procession. My companion, a senior clergyman, was looking at the service paper we had been given. ‘Ah!’ he said. ‘I see we have Revelation chapter 4 as the second reading.’ He smiled. ‘One …
Revelation for Everyone - The Great Rescue
Revelation for Everyone - The Great Rescue
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Great Rescue Revelation 7.9-17 I stopped sleepwalking some time in my mid-twenties, but I can still remember the mixture of fear and excitement I used to feel when, eventually, I would wake up. In my dream, I had been in a room, in a house, in a corridor, somewhere which was …
Another mountain on the road
Another mountain on the road
by Andrew Pratt
Another mountain on the road that led them to Jerusalem, a rising path, a stony way, the climb towards a brighter day. They broke through mist, looked down on clouds, the earth below now veiled to sight. Above, the summit, time to rest, a place of blessing for the blessed. Verses…
Hymn: When Jesus came to Bethlehem there was no worse a day
Hymn: When Jesus came to Bethlehem there was no worse a day
by Andrew Pratt
When Jesus came to Bethlehem there was no worse a day, they say a census had been called, there was no place to stay; this baby who would shake the world, would first lay down his head, not in a royal house or hall, but in a manger bed. When Jesus went to Nazareth his father had …
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 22 Year C
Lectionary Reflection Year C - Proper 22 Year C
by SPCK - Jane Williams
Proper 22 Habakkuk 1.1–4; 2.1–4 2 Timothy 1.1–14 Luke 17.5–10 This central section of Luke’s Gospel is full of very uncomfortable reading. It starts at 9.51, when Jesus ‘set his face to go to Jerusalem’, and the ministry enters a new phase. Now everything he says and does is bein…
Where jackals gnaw the drying bones
Where jackals gnaw the drying bones
by Andrew Pratt
Where jackals gnaw the drying bones Fifth Sunday in Lent Ezekiel 37: 1-14 Where jackals gnaw the drying bones and vultures wheel above, the people languish losing hope, is this the end of love? This exile tore them from God's grace, yes that is how it seemed... Andrew Pratt (bo…
When we're crushed and feel forsaken
When we're crushed and feel forsaken
by Andrew Pratt
When we're crushed and feel forsaken, broken on the wheel of life, know that God will re-awaken hope within the midst of strife. There is hope in desolation, barren land will be restored; love will be our vindication, faith in God will be assured. Verses 3-4 follow Metre: 8 7 8 7…
The Triumphant Entry
The Triumphant Entry
by Dave Hopwood
Triumph, Tears and Talents Bible Ref: Matthew 21-26; Mark 11-14; Luke 19-22; John 11&12 Each of the following sketches (scenes) can be used to form the basis for a complete act of worship or used as individual scenes on separate occasions. Each scene will require a narrator to re…
Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem
Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem
by Graeme Dutton
Image for Station 1 - Jesus weeps over Jerusalem Black and white graffiti image created using spray paint on canvas depicting Jesus weeping over Jerusalem. See Station 1 text - Click Here Image suitable for use in a PowerPoint slide (see below) PowerPoint Slide Size- This image i…
Mark The Peoples' Bible Commentary - Another Blind Man
Mark The Peoples' Bible Commentary - Another Blind Man
by BRF - Dick France
Another Blind Man Act 2, which began with the healing of a blind man (8:22–26) now comes to its close with another. The treatment of the disciples’ spiritual blindness which has been such a prominent feature of the intervening chapters will now give way to the rapidly unfolding e…
John The People's Commentary - House Cleaning
John The People's Commentary - House Cleaning
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
House Cleaning Many signs in this gospel are followed by a debate to explain the sign’s purpose—as the story of the feeding of the five thousand leads into the discourse about Jesus as the Bread of Life (see on chapter 6 below). However, the first of Jesus’ signs, the changing of…