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We come to this moment, we have travelled so far
We come to this moment, we have travelled so far
by Avis Palmer
We come to this moment, we have travelled so far, Like long ago wise men who were led by a star. The roads we have taken are the days of the year, And some have been joyous and some full of fear. We come to this moment, we come as we are, With all that has happened we bear the ye…
Meditation - The Epiphany Year C
Meditation - The Epiphany Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – The Epiphany Year C Matthew 2: 1-12 Wise men came from the East … I wonder where they came from? I wonder who they were? Did they know each other? Did they meet on the way?... Created by david Midleton on behalf of LWPT (Leaders of Worship and Preachers Trust) for mo…
Open with God Book - January - Epiphany
Open with God Book - January - Epiphany
by Christine Odell
January – Epiphany Calendar of Prayers Reading: Matthew 2: 1-12 Provide a small dish of pound coins, an oil burner and a candle. Place the coins upon a table. God of majesty, the wise men presented the gold of kings to your baby Son, when they offered him homage...
Far from the earth
Far from the earth
by Michael Docker
Far from the earth, in a galaxy's reaches, Light from a star makes a mark in the sky; Ancients interpret, discern what it teaches; Go to the where and rejoice at the why. There in a place far from wealth and from power, Answers are found to the sign in the sky; Little to mark the…
The days of Christmas ring and play