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Quarrelsome people
Quarrelsome people
by Andrew Pratt
3rd Sunday in Lent Exodus 17: 1 – 7 Hymn: Quarrelsome people Quarrelsome people, out in the desert, thirsty for water, longing for home, ‘Why did you bring us’, they moan at Moses, ‘why make us hungry, why make us roam?’ They would have stoned him in their frustration... Andre
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 17 Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - Proper 17 Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Proper 17 Mark 7.1– 8, 14, 15, 21–23 Gaze on Jesus’ hands wiping the dust of the journey away. Large, tough hands, rough from years of carpentry; prone to splinters, cut from slips of the saw, nails blackened from a slipped hammer. Hands that poured water for friends, drew in the
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