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Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 4 THE ROLE OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE
Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 4 THE ROLE OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE
by Christine Valters Painter
THE ROLE OF SPIRITUAL PRACTICE In his book Worship and Spirituality, theologian Don Saliers describes spirituality as “our embodied humanity fully alive before God and neighbour, stretched by story, stretched by touch, stretched by song, stretched by eating and drinking, bathing,
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 1c An intelligent response to environmental crisis
CHRISTIANITY AND THE RENEWAL OF NATURE - 1c An intelligent response to environmental crisis
by SPCK - Sebastian C.H. Kim and Jonathan Draper
An intelligent response to environmental crisis The ecological crisis challenges us to be reasonable. Put like that, it sounds banal; but given the level of irrationality around the question, it is well worth saying, especially if we are clear about the roots of reasoning in thes
The Pastoral Letters - Conditions of Service
The Pastoral Letters - Conditions of Service
by SPCK - N T Wright
Rekindle the Gift! 2Timothy 1.1-7 PAUL FOR EVERYONE THE PASTORAL LETTERS 1Paul, an apostle of King Jesus by God’s will, according to the promise of life in King Jesus; 2to Timothy, my dear child. Grace, mercy and peace from God the father and King Jesus our Lord. 3I serve God wit
The Post Evangelical - 10 Christianity for a new age
The Post Evangelical - 10 Christianity for a new age
by SPCK - Dave Tomlinson
10 Christianity for a new age A friend of mine recently asked a well-known evangelical leader if he had heard of the term ‘post-evangelical’. ‘Post-evangelical?’ the man replied, ‘Post-evangelical? Whatever is a post-evangelical? Surely, my boy, one either is an evangelical, or o
Mere Apologetics - 4c Apologetics to the Romans: Paul’s Legal Speeches (Acts 24-26)
Mere Apologetics - 4c Apologetics to the Romans: Paul’s Legal Speeches (Acts 24-26)
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Apologetics to the Romans: Paul’s Legal Speeches (Acts 24-26) The third audience early Christianity encountered was the Romans. At that time, Rome was the imperial force dominating the Mediterranean world. It is clear that the imperial Roman authorities regarded the emergence of
Celtic Christian Spirituality - 10 Social Justice (Chapter 7)
Celtic Christian Spirituality - 10 Social Justice (Chapter 7)
by Skylight- Mary C.Earle
Social Justice The emphatic embrace of the Incarnation leads Celtic saints, poets, theologians, and missionaries to strongly voice the social import of the gospel… Taken from Celtic Christian Spirituality by Annotation by Mary C. Earle
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 8 The Feeding of the Five Thousand
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 8 The Feeding of the Five Thousand
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Feeding of the Five Thousand The feeding of the five thousand is one of the most well-known of the miracles performed by Jesus and the only one that is recorded in all four Gospels.1 It is classed as a “nature miracle,” an action by which Jesus demonstrates his authority over
Simply Good News - Good News - For the World?
Simply Good News - Good News - For the World?
by SPCK - N T Wright
Good News – for the World? If the good news really is what it says, there is all the room in the world for delighted celebration of the gospel in the life of every child, woman, and man. To miss this element – to think of Christianity without this deeply personal aspect – is like
Paul and the Faithfulness of God - The Divine Augustus