Gabriel's Messages. Joseph
Taken from Advent Lectionary Lessons
**Lectionary Mini Pack
Gabriel's Messages. Joseph
Matthew 1:18-25**
Here we meet with Gabriel again, this time he is preparing to go to tell Joseph that Mary, the girl he is betrothed to is pregnant. He doesn't know how to tell him and actually Joseph realises himself and he is very angry and upset. We have games to play, a story to listen to, crafts, colouring, a bible verse we can learn and a prayer to share. Gabriel decided he would speak to Joseph in a dream he explained The Holy Spirit was the father and Mary was going to give birth to the Son of God. He explained the child would be called Jesus and he would be a saviour of people. Afterwards he watched Joseph go to Mary and say he would still be her husband. It is all divided into 2 age groups, 6 and under and 7 and over, then a second section for family study that also has prompts for preschoolers and teens so you can tailor it to your needs.