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Eternal fury fires the saints
Eternal fury fires the saints
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Eternal fury fires the saints Proper 26 Year A All Saints Eternal fury fires the saints, who shake and rattle, push and shove, who challenge every bland excuse, who seek for justice, work for love They make the world turn upside down, they are a catalyst in pain, they reach…
Faith is full of contradictions
Faith is full of contradictions
by Andrew Pratt
Faith is full of contradictions, when we thought we were secure, winds of change can spin and turn us, make our claims less safe and sure. What we thought was worthy worship veiled hypocrisy and fear, now we face a common judgment, words from those we don't revere. Verses 3-4 fol…
Hymn - A feast for the nations, the Christ is exalted
Hymn - A feast for the nations, the Christ is exalted
by Andrew Pratt
A feast for the nations, the Christ is exalted, our tears have diminished, the darkness has gone, the death that had shrouded their past conversations, now put in perspective for love would go on. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: STREETS OF LAREDO Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Wo…
Hymn: All the pain and hurt and horror
Hymn: All the pain and hurt and horror
by Andrew Pratt
All the pain and hurt and horror, loss, denial and mistrust, hovered round as Jesus waited for his friends to re-adjust. Lost within misunderstanding: thought that love was just a dream, knew that it would be so easy, they’re confounded by Love’s scheme. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: L…
No turning back, God's path can lead us forward
No turning back, God's path can lead us forward
by Andrew Pratt
No turning back, God's path can lead us forward, this is the time of challenge, time for choice, to set our sights on all that lies before us, to wallow in the past or to rejoice. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: INTERCESSOR Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 11/6/2013 S…
As Jesus came riding along on a donkey
As Jesus came riding along on a donkey
by Andrew Pratt
As Jesus came riding along on a donkey, the pavement was holy, he hallowed the ground. The stones will cry out if the people are silent, a day filled with joy and with praising is found. Then those who had followed and those who came after sang loudly while waving their palms i…
Hymn: Total life! Too much to swallow?
Hymn: Total life! Too much to swallow?
by Andrew Pratt
Total life! Too much to swallow? We should all be one with Christ, share the living and the dying: is this challenge over-priced? But if we have grasped the message, life is more than human gain, then perhaps the risk is worth it - never be the same again? Verses 3-4 follow Tune:…
Mark for Everyone - Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar
Mark for Everyone - Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 10.46–52 Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar... ...It took some weeks of persuasion before they came to see me. The grown-up son was desperate to get his ailing and depressed mother into some kind of a home where she would be properly cared for. As long as she lived…
Job for Everyone - When Silence is Not Enough
Job for Everyone - When Silence is Not Enough
by SPCK - John Goldingay
When Silence is Not Enough Job 40:1- 24 Over the years during which my first wife had multiple sclerosis, I have concrete memories concerning two or three occasions when I attempted to confront God about it. Distressed at the way the illness affected her, on one such occasion I r…
Lent for Everyone Year A - Monday: Week 1 in Lent Year A
Lent for Everyone Year A - Monday: Week 1 in Lent Year A
by SPCK - N T Wright
WEEK 1: MONDAY Matthew 5; focused on 5.1–12 The worst mistake we can make about this famous and stunning passage is to see it as a list of rules (you’ve got to try hard to be poor in spirit, to mourn, to be meek, and so on). It isn’t. It’s a royal announcement that God is turning…
Persistent God, your gracious understanding
Persistent God, your gracious understanding
by Andrew Pratt
Persistent God, your gracious understanding returns the love that often we with-hold. When met with our resistance and denial you greet with peace and draw us from the cold. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: HIGHWOOD; INTERCESSOR Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 27/3/2…
Times and Seasons - This is the Baptist, unkempt and yet ready
Times and Seasons - This is the Baptist, unkempt and yet ready
by Andrew Pratt
This is the Baptist, unkempt and yet ready, calling the people to listen and act; calling them down to the water for washing, talking of holiness, Godliness, fact. This is the man who will call to repentance fisherman, Pharisee, zealot and priest; here in the river the sinners wi…
We stand in awe and wonder at this moment
We stand in awe and wonder at this moment
by Andrew Pratt
We stand in awe and wonder at this moment, we are Your people and You know our worth; the covenant we make with firm intention will set our course for now upon this earth. When we are lost to love and feel abandoned, out in the desert of our doubt and fear, God take us by the han…
Four Gospels, One Jesus - The new teaching
Four Gospels, One Jesus - The new teaching
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
The new teaching The Discourses, Matthew 5—7, 10, 13, 18, 23—25 While Mark has very little actual teaching, Matthew builds the character of Jesus as the Teacher of Israel, and structures the gospel around his five great blocks of teaching – the discourses punctuating the narrativ…
Remote and immense, far beyond comprehension
Remote and immense, far beyond comprehension
by Andrew Pratt
Remote and immense, far beyond comprehension, the heaven's a canvas, below it the earth spread out like a carpet of massive dimension, assurance of homing and place of our birth. And yet in our wonder we're blind to existence, we're deaf to the Word that brings wisdom and light, …
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Journey from Sinai to the East Bank of the Jordan
The Women's Bible Commentary - The Journey from Sinai to the East Bank of the Jordan
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
The Journey from Sinai to the East Bank of the Jordan Once the journey is underway, the bulk of this section of Part One focuses on disputes about leadership. Wholesale disobedience (Num. 14) results in a thirty-eight-year pause in the journey…
The Women's Bible Commentary - Women Challenge Authority