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Mark The Peoples' Bible Commentary - Who is the Greatest?
Mark The Peoples' Bible Commentary - Who is the Greatest?
by BRF - Dick France
Who is the Greatest? Lines of authority In a newly formed group of colleagues with an important task, it is natural to want to clarify the lines of authority. So far, of course, Jesus has been the focal authority of the group, but if they are going to lose him it will surely be v…
The Power of the Parable - Epilogue
The Power of the Parable - Epilogue
by SPCK - John Dominic Crossan
EPILOGUE History and Parable The Power of the Parables HOW FICTION BY JESUS BECAME FICTION ABOUT JESUS This epilogue has two sections. The first section is a summation of what I have proposed in this book about the parabling of Jesus. The second section raises two new and conclud…
Prayer: Discerning God
Prayer: Discerning God
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Discerning God Discerning God, how often our behaviour must frustrate and concern you. We behave so foolishly, thinking that you do not know when we have been selfish, greedy and uncaring in our attitudes towards others. We forget that when our petty squabbles turn into o…
Reflection/Poem: A New Beginning
Reflection/Poem: A New Beginning
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/Poem: A New Beginning When the danger was gone; when the enemies had been left behind; when the journey was over; when the Promised Land had been reached; when the milk and honey was tasted; when the Passover was celebrated; when thanks had been given to God, then the …
Poem: The trap
Poem: The trap
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: The trap With wily words they bait their trap and wait for verbal jaws to snap on answers fated to condemn the enemy who utters them. The Sadducees feel smug and sure their clever question holds allure. Can he resist the challenge given and will he dare to speak of heaven? …
Reflection/Meditation: Determination
Reflection/Meditation: Determination
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/Meditation: Determination You decide to set out on a very important journey. Your destination is a great city, but it is many miles away and you’ll need accommodation along the way. Friends offer to go ahead and set it up for you. They return, absolutely furious, becau…
Dialogue/drama: Trouble for the future
Dialogue/drama: Trouble for the future
by Marjorie Dobson
Dialogue/drama: Trouble for the future A I can’t see much future in that kind of life, can you? I mean, it was all about wars and disasters and earthquakes and things. I think that’s too scary to even think about it. B Well, he did say that all that kind of thing was just routine…
Simply Jesus - A very odd sort of king
Simply Jesus - A very odd sort of king
by SPCK - N T Wright
A very odd sort of king ‘As Jesus was going along, people kept spreading their cloaks on the road. When he came to the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began to celebrate and praise God at the tops of their voices’ (Luke 19.36 –37). The crowd went wild…
Poem: Good news
Poem: Good news
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Good news Bad news stories hit the headlines: crime and evil every day. and if there’s no bad news story, speculation will hold sway. Tweets and twitters full of fury fuel aggression, stir up hate and when this erupts in violence, action comes, but far too late. Continues..…
Prayer: God of challenge
Prayer: God of challenge
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God of challenge. God of challenge. we live in a world which appears to be full of corruption, dishonesty, disloyalty, greed, selfishness, prejudice and self-seeking. Many people call it a God-forsaken world. But you have not forsaken us, we have forgotten you. Forgotten …
GOD's rich Pattern - One small step along the way
GOD's rich Pattern - One small step along the way
by SPCK - Dr Lin Berwick
One small step along the way Ralph regularly attended our local Methodist church. He had come a long way spiritually because now his visits were not just when I was preaching. When taking Holy Communion our minister always brought the bread and the wine to our pew and offered it …
Hymn: Here we gather in thanksgiving
Hymn: Here we gather in thanksgiving
by Marjorie Dobson
Here we gather in thanksgiving to the God of love and grace, as we celebrate this building standing witness in this place, year by year to offer people worship in this sacred space. Here we gather to remember all the years this church has grown from the seeds of new beginnings, w…
Reflection/meditation/poem: Compulsion
Reflection/meditation/poem: Compulsion
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/meditation/poem: Compulsion There are times when I wish I didn’t have to do it. There are times when I think that it is a complete waste of time. There are times when other people think I should stop doing it. But I must go on. There are people who consider me to be ol…
The Women's Bible Commentary - Jesus and the New Community
The Women's Bible Commentary - Jesus and the New Community
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Jesus and the New Community A new section of Mark’s narrative opens with a summary statement of Jesus’ healing and teaching beside the Sea of Galilee, where persons come to him from all the places he will later go. This compact summary closes with the unclean spirits recognizing …
Broken bread and conversation