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Meditation - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Meditation - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C New benchmarks Luke 14: 1-14 We gather together every Sabbath for lunch after synagogue in different peoples houses, a kind of Sabbath Day Luncheon Club. Anyone is welcome, and we each try to bring a guest so we never know from one S…
Meditation - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Meditation - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C Signs of the Times Luke 12: 49-56 There are some things we want to know and can’t, and there are some things we should recognise and don’t. That’s what Jesus seemed to be saying today. It’s all very confusing. And Jesus gets so exasp…
Meditation - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Meditation - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C A real turn around Luke 16: 1-13 How can a bad person be a good example? That’s what I want to know, Jesus. I must say I’m not a little surprised by the story you told today, about the shrewd manager. Don’t you think you might be mis…
Meditation - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Meditation - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C Walk the Walk Luke 14: 1-14 Jesus asked me how long I’d been like this: 18 years I told him. He said I must feel like a prisoner, trapped in my own body, not able to go about my normal life. I said after 18 years I’ve got used to it;…
Meditation - 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Meditation - 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
by David Middleton
Meditation – 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A The frightening shopkeeper! Matthew 5: 38-48 I don’t know what it is, I just feel so intimidated by her; there’s something about the way she looks at me, she makes me cringe every time I talk to her; then she snaps at me and I shrin…
Meditation - 4th Sunday in Lent Year C
Meditation - 4th Sunday in Lent Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 4th Sunday in Lent Year C Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 I remember the birth of each of my sons; how infinitely precious they were, how tiny, how much in need of my protection. I vowed then that I would be the best father in the world. My wife died giving birth to the younger…
Meditation - 1st Sunday in Lent Year A
Meditation - 1st Sunday in Lent Year A
by David Middleton
Meditation – 1st Sunday in Lent Year A Join the rest of the world! Matthew 4:1-11 Sometimes, just for the fun of it, I sit on a high point and look down on everyone, like the top of a mountain, or my favourite place, the pinnacle of the temple. I spend hours trying to spot one pe…
Meditation - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Meditation - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
by David Middleton
Meditation – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Glorious Technicolour Mark 10: 46-52 Blind Bartimaeus they used to call me. Not any more! Not since I called out to Jesus. ‘Jesus, Son of David!’ I cried out, ‘Have mercy on me.’ They tried to shut me up, but I was having none of it,…
Meditation - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Meditation - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C Touching the untouchable Luke 19: 1-10 He was a collaborator, that’s what everyone was saying: He was devout and highly influential … in the Roman tax collecting business at least. But he was a collaborator, that’s what he was, a tra…
Meditation - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Meditation - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
by David Middleton
Meditation – 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B Sorry Jesus, which widow? Mark 12: 38-44 I love watching, I could while away the hours, Observing life; The people in the market place, Going about their daily business. Shopping for the family, Thinking about tonight’s dinner. Looki…
Meditation - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Meditation - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C I was just one of the crowd Luke 10: 1-11. 16-20 I panic when Jesus is looking for volunteers! It’s not that I don’t want to help, I just get so nervous not knowing what I’m going to have to do, so my heart sank when he picked me. I …
Meditation - 4th Sunday of Easter Time Year A
Meditation - 4th Sunday of Easter Time Year A
by David Middleton
Meditation- 4th Sunday of Easter Time Year B What’s in it for him? John 10: 1-13 I’ve been listening to Jesus quite a bit recently; whenever I can get away from work I have gone to find him, I’m quite intrigued by what he has to say, but there has always been this nagging doubt,…
Meditation - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Meditation - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
by David Middleton
Meditation – 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B My Son, my son 2 Samuel 18: 33 Ephesians 5: 1-2 John 6: 51 David went up to his room and burst into tears. “My son, my son; if only I could have died instead of you! I told them to be kind to you I told them not to harm you. They did…
Meditation - 4th Sunday in Lent year C
Meditation - 4th Sunday in Lent year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 4th Sunday in Lent Year C The Father’s Love Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32 His father just couldn’t wait: He saw his son coming from far off, Nothing was going to stop him, He’d been waiting a long time for this moment... created by David Middleton on behalf of LWPT (Leaders o…
Meditation - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Meditation - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr C My Cottage by the Sea! Luke 12: 32-40 I have this dream; I don’t know whether it will ever come true, but I keep hold of it; it’s my heart’s desire! and whenever I get a spare moment my thoughts turn to my dream: I dream of a cottage…
Meditation - Sunday Before Lent Year C
Meditation - Sunday Before Lent Year C
by David Middleton
Meditation – Sunday before Lent Year C The Journey to Prayer Luke 9:28-36 The path is steep and strewn with loose stones and rocks. Often we have to use our hands to pull ourselves up. When Jesus asked us to come and pray with him, We didn’t imagine it would be this difficult; No…
Meditation - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Meditation - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
by David Middleton
Meditation – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr A Matthew 22: 34-46 Leviticus 19: 1-2, 15-18 Deuteronomy 34: 1-12 Jesus spent the final week of his earthly life fielding awkward questions, aimed at him by people who did not so much want the answer as to catch him out in order to acc…
Meditation - 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C