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The Womens' Bible Commentary - Women at the Cross and Empty Tomb
The Womens' Bible Commentary - Women at the Cross and Empty Tomb
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Women at the Cross and Empty Tomb In the final three chapters of this Gospel, women all but disappear. This is so because the reader enters the world of male politics, violence, and bonding, but also because Luke is describing last preparations and authorization of male figures f
John The People's Commentary - One Man Must Die for the People
John The People's Commentary - One Man Must Die for the People
by BRF - Richard A. Burridge
One Man Must Die for the People In a paradox typical of John, this chapter about giving life ends with the threat of death. In Chapter 9, Jesus took the blind man out of darkness to see the light, while the religious leaders went from seeing into self-imposed darkness…
Body - Chapter 2 - Keeping body and soul together (part 2)
Body - Chapter 2 - Keeping body and soul together (part 2)
by SPCK - Paula Gooder
Keeping body and soul together (part 2) Death and the soul in the Old Testament A fascinating illustration of the importance of the body to the nephesh is the use of the word to refer to someone who has died recently. Numbers 6.6 forbids a Nazirite from going near a nephesh met (
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 37 The Essenes: Spotlight on a Sect
THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 37 The Essenes: Spotlight on a Sect
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Essenes: Spotlight on a Sect Scholars will, no doubt, continue to debate whether or not the Pharisees were a ‘sect’. There can be no such debate about the group that lived at Qumran, by the north-west shore of the Dead Sea…
The Women's Bible Commentary - Dividing the Kingdom
The Women's Bible Commentary - Dividing the Kingdom
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Dividing the Kingdom THE WOMEN’S BIBLE COMMENTARY (1 Kings 12-15) From the death of Solomon at the end of 1 Kings 11 until the fall of the northern kingdom in 2 Kings 17, the narrative generally alternates between accounts of the kingdom of Judah and the kingdom of Israel. The co
How God Became King - 5d Matthew and Luke: Seeing Jesus, Thinking God
How God Became King - 5d Matthew and Luke: Seeing Jesus, Thinking God
by SPCK - N T Wright
Matthew and Luke: Seeing Jesus, Thinking God Once we learn, from Mark, how we might read the story of Jesus as the story of Israel’s God returning at last, we may find it easier to recognize the ways in which Matthew and Luke are doing something very similar…
the historical character of Jesus - 6b James and the Jesus tradition
the historical character of Jesus - 6b James and the Jesus tradition
by SPCK - David Allen
James and the Jesus tradition Were the Jacobean Jesus merely just about locating specific references to Jesus’ name, then even with the most optimistic application of 2.1, we would surely end up with a fairly limited picture, a faint portrait at the very best…
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Passion Narrative Paralleling Mark 14:3–9 and John 12:1–8, Matthew 26:6–13 (cf. Luke 7:36–50) describes Jesus’ anointing. The action has a twofold meaning: Jesus equates it with the rituals accompanying burial (26:12) and so acknowledges women’s religious deed…
The Act of Prayer Year C - Sunday Next Before Lent - Year C
The Act of Prayer Year C - Sunday Next Before Lent - Year C
by BRF - John Birch
Sunday Next before Lent Year C The Act of Prayer Praying through the lectionary EXODUS 34:29–35; PSALM 99; 2 CORINTHIANS 3:12—4:2; LUKE 9:28–36 [37–43] Opening prayer We meet today, Lord God, not as in the days of Moses when a physical barrier, the veil, separated the people from
embodying mark - 7 Following the King
embodying mark - 7 Following the King
by SPCK - meda a a stamper
7 Following the King Finally we come to the terrible death of the Son, betrayed, denied and deserted by his male followers; mocked by passers-by, who shake their heads and say ‘Aha’, and by the religious authorities, who have condemned him in a kangaroo court and handed him over
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - Love Is as Fierce as Death