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Prayer: Loving Father God
Prayer: Loving Father God
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Loving Father God Loving Father, God, we offer you the love and respect that you deserve. We know that we cannot be perfect and we recognize that we miss the mark of obeying your commandments, but we also know that you are a loving and caring God and that we are all your
Dealing with Failure
Dealing with Failure
by Roger Johnson
Evangelism Bulletin 267 – Dealing with Failure It was one of those days when my heart leapt with joy. I looked at the lectionary to see what reading was set for my Sunday service and it was one of my favourite passages. It was the encounter which Simon Peter and some of the other
The Living God - God and the darkness of faith
The Living God - God and the darkness of faith
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
An almighty God: power, compassion and suffering 3 God and the darkness of faith When I was young my family took vacations in County Donegal in the north-west of Ireland. We loved its beautiful beaches and rugged countryside. However, Atlantic rainstorms, sweeping in from the wes
4 results