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Eco Lectionary August
Eco Lectionary August
by Keynsham Methodist Church Eco Group
ECO-HINTS FROM THE LECTIONARY August 2011 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time—7 August 2011 I Kings 19: 1-8 Psalm 85: 8-13 Romans 10: 5-15 Matthew 14: 22-33 Elijah shows us just how important decent food is to us. Our intercessions today might consider the imbalance of food production a
Field of Wheat in the breeze
Field of Wheat in the breeze
by joel toombs
Image of a field blowing in the wind Use ideas: To illustrate Jesus stories about sowing and reaping, or PAuls comments about being battered but not broken - or as a background for a worship song breeze, wind, wheat, field, fields, barley, harvest, crop, crops, arable, green, wor
Prayer:God of the harvest
Prayer:God of the harvest
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God of the harvest God of the harvest, we pray for all those who work the land, farming with crops and animals to provide food for our tables. Their work is hard and demanding. They often feel under-valued and at the mercy of market forces that set prices, which make it d
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 10 Christian Unity Paul, Apollos and Cephas as One
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 10 Christian Unity Paul, Apollos and Cephas as One
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Christian Unity Paul is now ready to present the fourth section of the first essay. The outline of the whole is The Cross and Christian Unity (1:10–4:16) The Problem: Divisions, Baptism and the Cross (1:10-16) The Wisdom and Power of God: The Cross (1:17–2:2) The Wisdom of God: R
12 results