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The Fatherhood of God
The Fatherhood of God
by Colin Smith
The fatherhood of God is explored In this short (1430 word) reflection/sermon. In it, the tenderness of God as a loving father is contrasted with his apparent remoteness as he resides in heaven. The tenderness and remoteness are reconciled by thinking of God as creator for both
Fatherhood and St Joseph
Fatherhood and St Joseph
by Colin Smith
This short sermon/reflection (566words) considers fatherhood for Christians today citing St Joseph as a role model especially at the time of the birth of Jesus. Though little is recorded about him after the birth there is nonetheless sufficient of his character and actions known
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Persistence in Prayer
New Testament Prayer for Everyone - Persistence in Prayer
by SPCK - N T Wright
PART 1 NEW TESTAMENT TEACHING ON PRAYER THE TEACHING OF JESUS PERSISTENCE IN PRAYER Luke 11: 1-13 The telephone rang. It was a message that my younger son, a singer, was about to get on an aeroplane to go with his choir to the other side of the world. If I was quick, I might just
4 results