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Shepherds Story Christmas
Shepherds Story Christmas
by Paul Welch
A puppet sketch about the Angel appearing to the shepherds to tell them about the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Hello, My name’s Zac and I’m a shepherd. You know, us shepherds get a tough time of it. You should see how people treat us, they completely ignore us, as if we smell or …
the historical character of Jesus - 6 “The remembered teacher”: Jesus in James
the historical character of Jesus - 6 “The remembered teacher”: Jesus in James
by SPCK - David Allen
“The remembered teacher”: Jesus in James Martin Luther’s so-called ‘epistle of straw’ has come in from the cold in recent years. There is an emerging interest in the letter, in both Church and academy alike, and a fresh attention, therefore, to its wisdom character and to its foc…
the historical character of Jesus - 2c The life of Jesus in Acts
the historical character of Jesus - 2c The life of Jesus in Acts
by SPCK - David Allen
The life of Jesus in Acts Acts also knows of a number of details from Jesus’ life. While these are obviously far less than the Gospels include, they are not insignificant, and can (occasionally) enhance the portrait given by the evangelists, and particularly by Luke’s own Gospel …
Acts for Everyone part 1 - David Speaks of Jesus' Resurrection