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Mere Apologetics - 8b Case Study 1: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
Mere Apologetics - 8b Case Study 1: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Case Study 1: Why Does God Allow Suffering? Our first case study is an issue that is regularly raised both in public debates and private conversations. If God is good, why is there suffering in the world? Why do bad things happen in a universe created by a supposedly loving God?
The Women's Bible Commentary - Natural and Unnatural Acts
The Women's Bible Commentary - Natural and Unnatural Acts
by SPCK - Newsom, Ringe and Lapsley
Natural and Unnatural Acts Within the context of his initial discussion of humanity’s rebellion against God, Paul refers to the “degrading passions”: “Women exchanged natural intercourse for unnatural, and in the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, we
The Monastery Of The Heart - 21 Humility
The Monastery Of The Heart - 21 Humility
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Humility “After ascending all these steps of humility, we will quickly arrive at the ‘perfect love’ of God which ‘casts out fear.’” In Benedictine spirituality, there is a twelve-runged ladder that leads to God… Taken from The Monastery Of The Heart by Joan Chittister
The Edge of Glory - 4 For Group Worship
The Edge of Glory - 4 For Group Worship
by SPCK - David Adam
FOR GROUP WORSHIP Many of the prayers in this book began in a small room in a moorland village in 1984. They were part of our Lent learning: for six weeks we met once a week to discover new and exciting ways to pray together. As we live in an area famous for its Celtic saints and
by BRF - Dick France
The POLL TAX MARK 12: 13-17 A loaded question When the Romans deposed Archelaus, the son of Herod, from his kingship in Judea and imposed direct rule from Rome, one of the most resented by-products was the imposition of a poll tax on all adult Jewish males, to be paid to the Roma
Deep Church Rising - Introduction
Deep Church Rising - Introduction
by SPCK - Andrew Walker and Robin Parry
Introduction Recovering the Roots of Christian Orthodoxy Christianity is now on sale in multiform shapes and sizes. Competing in the open market with other religions, there is a bewildering yet broad choice of “real” and “best” Christianities for anyone who wants to buy…
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - I'm Just a Weary Sojourner, but I Have Some Words from God
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - I'm Just a Weary Sojourner, but I Have Some Words from God
by SPCK - John Goldingay
I'm Just a Weary Sojourner, but I Have Some Words from God My wife sits at the desk next to mine working harder than me at a course that is part of her degree program. There’s some kind of incompatibility between the subject and/or the teacher’s method of teaching that is driving
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - It's Not Enough, but It's Not Nothing
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs for Everyone - It's Not Enough, but It's Not Nothing
by SPCK - John Goldingay
It's Not Enough, but It's Not Nothing One sunny January day some years ago I came home after a lecture and wheeled my disabled wife down to the row of shops where there was a magnificent ice cream parlor that alas subsequently closed down (evidently we didn’t go there enough)…
The Act of Prayer Year B - Second Sunday of Advent Year B
The Act of Prayer Year B - Second Sunday of Advent Year B
by BRF - John Birch
Second Sunday of Advent Year B Opening prayer As people walk by to purchase for those they love gifts that, in days to come, will fade from memory, within this place we gather in celebration of your loving gift to all of humankind…
The Act of Prayer Year C - Third Sunday of Epiphany Year C