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Parallel Lives of Jesus - 4d The Characterization of the disciples
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 4d The Characterization of the disciples
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Characterization of the disciples Matthew’s portrayal of the disciples is more complimentary than Mark’s.23 Where Mark says that the disciples do not understand Jesus’ words (Mark 4:13; 6:52; 8:21; 9:10), Matthew either has no reference to their lack of understanding or state
52 Reflections on Faith - Mary, mother of Jesus: pointing to God
52 Reflections on Faith - Mary, mother of Jesus: pointing to God
by BRF - Stephen W. Need
Mary, mother of Jesus: pointing to God Michelangelo’s Pietà is one of the most beautiful and famous pieces of art in the world. It stands just inside St Peter’s Basilica in Rome. In glorious white marble, sculpted in the 15th century when the artist was only 24, the statue depict
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 22 Old Covenant Sacraments and Idolatry
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 22 Old Covenant Sacraments and Idolatry
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Old Covenant Sacraments and Idolatry Partial Identification In the previous homily he affirmed the need for Christians to identify fully with the world around them. They were to be “all things to all people,” and through the use of metaphors from the world of sports Paul challeng
The Edge of Glory - 1 Before Prayer
The Edge of Glory - 1 Before Prayer
by SPCK - David Adam
BEFORE PRAYER I weave a silence on to my lips I weave a silence in to my mind I weave a silence within my heart I close my ears to distractions I close my eyes to attractions I close my heart to temptations… Taken from The Edge of Glory by David Ada
Until The Tide Turns White Text