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Great Christian Thinkers - 70 Julian of Norwich
Great Christian Thinkers - 70 Julian of Norwich
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
Julian of Norwich I still remember with great joy the apostolic journey I made in the United Kingdom in 2009. England is a land that has given birth to a great many distinguished figures who enhanced Church history with their testimony and their teaching. One of them, venerated b
Enabling Church: inclusion of disabled people - Author's introduction
Enabling Church: inclusion of disabled people - Author's introduction
by SPCK - Gordon Temple and Lin Ball
Author’s Introduction: Living interdependently The life experience of those in the African bush is so different from that of those in Europe, as I discovered on a trip to Malawi and Uganda. I felt privileged to spend time with some of the poorest people on the planet: blind peopl
Hymn: Life needs our care, not foolish indiscretion
Hymn: Life needs our care, not foolish indiscretion
by Andrew Pratt
Life needs our care, not foolish indiscretion, the willingness to guard against our greed; but still the world has need to learn the lesson: extravagance puts want ahead of need. God gives the Spirit to correct direction, to guide us from the drunkenness of thought that fuels a w
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The game with minutes
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The game with minutes
by SPCK - Frank C Laubach
The game with minutes “Disillusioned by all our other efforts, we now see that the only hope left for the human race is to become like Christ.” That is the statement of a famous scientist, and is being repeated among ever more educators, statesmen, and philosophers. Yet Christ ha
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book - St Valentine's Day
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book - St Valentine's Day
Secondary Schools Assemblies Resource Book THROUGH THE YEAR ST VALENTINE’S DAY By Stuart Kerner Suitable for Whole School Aim To consider what love really means. Preparation and materials • Prepare a large photocopy, OHP transparency or PowerPoint slide of the statue of Eros: som
Imagining the Lectionary: Sheepish (Christ the King/Reign of Christ A)
Imagining the Lectionary: Sheepish (Christ the King/Reign of Christ A)
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: Sheepish (Christ the King/Reign of Christ A) Reflection accompanying images “I will find my sheep and rescue them” and “I will surely judge between the fat sheep and the scrawny sheep” When it comes to getting the point across in a way that anyone can un
Lectionary Reflections Year A - Proper 13 Year A