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Strange how those, the least expected,
Strange how those, the least expected,
by Andrew Pratt
Strange how those, the least expected, offer thanks for acts of grace; while so many take for granted costly gifts as common place. Children take the care we offer, never know what love has cost, soon they grow in independence, soon the bonds of birth seem lost. Verses 3-4 follow…
Hymn: Love never ends, for God is love
Hymn: Love never ends, for God is love
by Andrew Pratt
Love never ends, for God is love, the cradle of existence, and each new dawn adds to this proof, wears down our doubt's resistance. God's faithfulness toward the world awakes with each new morning, we feel the sun that nurtures life, it's warmth and light each dawning. Verses 3-4…
The Second Intercessions Handbook - A Word at the Beginning
The Second Intercessions Handbook - A Word at the Beginning
by SPCK - John Pritchard
A WORD AT THE BEGINNING I’m very glad you’ve found this book and I hope you find it helpful. It follows on from The Intercessions Handbook, which was an attempt to broaden the imaginative range of the intercessions we use in public worship, in small groups and in personal prayer…
Prayer: Sheltering God
Prayer: Sheltering God
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: Sheltering God Sheltering God, we need your help and your protection – when we are under attack because of our commitment to you: when we feel vulnerable in an uncaring world: when we are made to feel foolish by those who think our beliefs are out-dated: when there is rea…
Poem: Good news
Poem: Good news
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: Good news Bad news stories hit the headlines: crime and evil every day. and if there’s no bad news story, speculation will hold sway. Tweets and twitters full of fury fuel aggression, stir up hate and when this erupts in violence, action comes, but far too late. Continues..…
Drama/Dialogue: Prayer problems
Drama/Dialogue: Prayer problems
by Marjorie Dobson
Drama/Dialogue: Prayer problems 1 We will now pray the prayer that Jesus taught us, the modern version – ‘Our Father in heaven’ 2 Hang on a minute! You can’t go on calling God, ‘our father’, it’s not politically correct. 1 What do you mean? Political correctness hasn’t got anythi…
Reflection/meditation: Two miracles
Reflection/meditation: Two miracles
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection/meditation: Two miracles Is this a contradiction to the temptations? Or is it a confirmation of power for the sake of his disciples? Why would Jesus, having rejected the miraculous turning of stones into bread, now prove just what he could do by feeding five thousand p…
Reflection: Father
Reflection: Father
by Marjorie Dobson
Reflection: Father Father’ can be an impossible word to use for those whose human father was abusive, cruel, brutal, heartless, inadequate, or had deserted them. Yet the Roman Christians were told that they could use that word with the true affection given to a beloved parent. Ho…
Forgetting the faith that has brought us salvation
Forgetting the faith that has brought us salvation
by Andrew Pratt
Forgetting the faith that has brought us salvation, we lose track of honesty, twist what is true; we grasp at each fortune that fate will present us, calling corruption constructive and new. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: ST CATHERINE’S COURT Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948…
How on God's earth can we change and be Christ-like
How on God's earth can we change and be Christ-like
by Andrew Pratt
How on God's earth can we change and be Christ-like, calming our wrath and containing our rage? Where is the spirit that shows love in action, selflessly, fearlessly showing God's care? Verses 2-3 follow Tune: EPIPHANY HYMN; BARNARD GATE (John Barnard; Sing Glory 433; Jubilate we…
Hymn - God of unexpected action
Hymn - God of unexpected action
by Andrew Pratt
God of unexpected action kneeling with the towel and bowl, humbled for this time and season, humbling now and making whole. Jesus so revered, respected, prophet, preacher, even Lord, now is acting as a servant, doing things his friends abhorred. Verses 3-5 follow © Andrew Pratt 2…
Hymn: Fear and foreboding clouding perception
Hymn: Fear and foreboding clouding perception
by Andrew Pratt
Fear and foreboding clouding perception, feel the earth shaking, dust fills the air, nations in torment, war seems unceasing, justice is absent, nothing seems fair. How do we read this Signs of the end times? Judgment of God-head striking the earth? Human indifference Natural dis…
Hymn: Reign in your tongue, have self-control