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Fields of grain
Fields of grain
by Olivia Rose Bell
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in
Meditation - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Meditation - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
by David Middleton
Meditation – 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B I love it when a plan comes together! Mark 6: 30-34 It must have been so exciting Father, going from town to town, Telling people about Jesus, calling them to turn from their sins, Casting out demons, and healing the sick. But I gues
Poem: From Heaven …?
Poem: From Heaven …?
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem: From Heaven …? Typical dispute. Focussed on the specific. Missing the main point altogether. The debate was not about the symbolism of living bread – spiritual food for ever – but on the claim that Jesus came down from heaven. Continues... ©Marjorie Dobson
The Post Evangelical - 6 "Let me tell you a story"
The Post Evangelical - 6 "Let me tell you a story"
by SPCK - Dave Tomlinson
6 “Let me tell you a story” We have already touched on the subject of postmodernism and we now need to look at this a little more closely. I have referred several times to the fact that the Western world is in a state of flux and that the modern world, stretching back to the Enli
Simply Good News - Becoming Good-News People
Simply Good News - Becoming Good-News People
by SPCK - N T Wright
Becoming Good-News People So what happens when we pray the prayer the right way round? We become good-news people. That is true, actually, whenever you pray, because prayer means standing between the one true God and his world, becoming a place where the love of this God and the
Journeying with Matthew Lectionary Year A - The Sundays before Advent
Journeying with Matthew Lectionary Year A - The Sundays before Advent
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
9 The Sundays before Advent Exploring the text During the Sundays leading up to Advent the Lectionary draws our attention to the theme of watching and waiting. It is slightly odd that, although on the fourth Sunday before Advent we have the opening verses of Matthew 24, we do not
O shepherd of Israel, you hold in your hand
O shepherd of Israel, you hold in your hand
by Andrew Pratt
O shepherd of Israel, you hold in your hand, the nations, the people, from each far flung land. Your grace is sufficient, to meet every need, you reach beyond nationhood, language and creed. You brought restoration when all once seemed lost, you poured out your life love, not cou
Not pushing for favours, nor craving acceptance
Not pushing for favours, nor craving acceptance
by Andrew Pratt
Not pushing for favours, nor craving acceptance, but waiting in line for our moment to come, and then love exalts us, affirms and promotes us, yes this is gospel the, the source and the sum. God raises the humble, the poor and afflicted, the ones that society longs to despise. Go
Mark for Everyone - The Feeding of the Four Thousand
Mark for Everyone - The Feeding of the Four Thousand
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 8.1–10 The Feeding of the Four Thousand... ...Two more loaves, a thousand less people, and five fewer baskets remaining. It’s almost like a dream; we’ve heard the story before, it seems, two chapters earlier, and yet it’s different. The disciples seem to be
The Sheep and the Goats