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You seem remote; come close, come near
You seem remote; come close, come near
by Andrew Pratt
You seem remote; come close, come near, God, not afar but close at hand, when we're alone, afraid to pray, our God, you take us by the hand. We cannot see, we do not know, when You are active in this place, small hands, the unexpected glance, bring help, bring healing, bring Your
We join the crowd‚ who‚ on this day
We join the crowd‚ who‚ on this day
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
1 We join the crowd‚ who‚ on this day‚ sang praise to Christ along the way; their theme renewed we gladly sing: Hosanna to the Lord‚ our King! 2 Yet‚ when the homage has been paid and all the acclamations fade‚ may we be found with Jesus still beneath his cross on Calv’ry’s h
Following Jesus
Following Jesus
by Norman J Goreham (1931-2021)
This hymn on the call of Matthew - and our call to follow Jesus - is a conscious rewrite of the traditional St. Matthew's Day hymn by W. Bright, "He sat to watch o'er customs paid) (Hymns Ancient And Modern Revised # 563). I gratefully acknowledge my indebtedness to this hymn wri
Grumpy, graceless human beings
Grumpy, graceless human beings
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Grumpy, graceless human beings Proper 20 Year A Exodus 16: 2-15 Grumpy, graceless human beings angry at their lot; Moses once had been their idol, but they soon forgot. Slaves set free should be more grateful, but we’re just the same; satisfaction soon exhausted, ready to c
Hymn: When we go with the flow where God’s spirit is leading
Hymn: When we go with the flow where God’s spirit is leading
by Andrew Pratt
We go with the flow where God’s spirit is leading, and sense all the good that God calls us to do, the way may be hard and our prayers become pleading, and yet God can lead us to things that are new. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: STREETS OF LAREDO Metre: Andrew Pratt (born
The gospel is beginning
The gospel is beginning
by Andrew Pratt
A hymn about the beginning of Jesus ministry (Mark 1 – ‘this is the beginning of the gospel...) with allusion to the wedding at Cana in Galilee (John 2)), Jesus words in the Synagogue after reading from the scroll (Luke 4), and our continued commitment to living out the gospel. L
Hymns of John Schimminger - Now We Are Gathered
Hymns of John Schimminger - Now We Are Gathered
by John Schimminger
A new communion text set to my original arrangement of an old folk melody, Maa Bonny Lad. This tune from Northumberland, on the border between England and Scotland, was adapted by Swedish folk singer Olle Adolphson in 1967 with his own text Ge Mig En Dag ("Give Me One Day") also
Hymn: Help us, good God, to consider our actions
Hymn: Help us, good God, to consider our actions
by Andrew Pratt
Help us, good God, to consider our actions, let us take stock of the things that we say, building the pathway to peace between nations, building new friendships to face each new day. Rumour and falsehood, like fire through the stubble, stir up our reasons for hate or revenge. J
A moment of wonder, amazement and grandeur