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Compassion moved a foreigner
Compassion moved a foreigner
by Andrew Pratt
Compassion moved a foreigner to dress a stranger's hurt, to cross the road to ridicule, to challenge and subvert the ones who limit loving acts, who bind the world with rules, who label those who break down walls as simpletons or fools. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: KINGSFOLD Metre: DC
Doubt and worship, mixed emotions
Doubt and worship, mixed emotions
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: Doubt and worship, mixed emotions Trinity Sunday Year A Matthew 28: 16 – 20 Doubt and worship, mixed emotions shimmered through their troubled minds; gathered near the mountain's summit, each remembered words and signs. Jesus spoke with calm assurance, brought to mind all
Empty tomb, the body stolen
Empty tomb, the body stolen
by Andrew Pratt
Empty tomb, the body stolen, or, at least, that's how it seemed; but the reason for this vacuum was more strange than they had dreamed. Stones don't roll, nor caverns open, but the dawning of this morn, brought unreasoned understanding to the coming light of dawn. Verses 3-4 foll
Frightened Herod, wandering strangers
Frightened Herod, wandering strangers
by Andrew Pratt
Frightened Herod, wandering strangers, children make the tableau real. As we watch with eyes of wonder, come, God, make your presence real. In the midst of celebration, heralding a royal birth, help us grow in understanding, Christ among us, come on earth. Verse 3 follows Tune:
God is in the thick of living
God is in the thick of living
by Andrew Pratt
God is in the thick of living, in the midst of love and life; God is in our haste and hurry, in our peace and through our strife. At the crux of every crisis, with the wounded and bereft, Christ is crucified, derided, knows our punishment and stress. This is God, incarnate, wit
Greeted by a man who knew them
Greeted by a man who knew them
by Andrew Pratt
Greeted by a man who knew them, though he'd never met or seen Philip, Peter or Nathaniel, never walked where they had been. Such perception raised suspicion, who this mystery man might be: self styled seer or wand'ring prophet? Who was it that they could see? Verses 2-3 follow
Here is love-the prophet’s promise!
Here is love-the prophet’s promise!
by Andrew Pratt
Here is love - the prophet’s promise! Here the Christ has come to birth! Hear the loud angelic chorus peace is promised for the earth. Joy for all the world – God’s blessing: wisdom wakes, and hope is found. Crying quenched, all anguish ended, Christ has come to Bethl’ems ground.
Hymn - As hollow as her loneliness
Hymn - As hollow as her loneliness
by Andrew Pratt
As hollow as her loneliness, the emptiness of space, the chilling of the morning air had seemed devoid of grace. She heard a whisper, just the breeze that rustled leaves near by. Her feet had crunched across the stones, her breath a simple sigh. And then with sudden recklessnes
Hymn - Now is the judgment of the world
Hymn - Now is the judgment of the world
by Andrew Pratt
Now is the judgment of the world, the crisis that we face, the magnet of God's dying love, the choice of hate or grace. To move where God's attraction draws, to follow with the flow, to stand defiant, out of line, to stay, or yet to go. Verses 3-4 follow © Andrew Pratt 21/2/2012
Hymn: A handsome lad, but who would choose
Hymn: A handsome lad, but who would choose
by Andrew Pratt
A handsome lad, but who would choose the shepherd of the sheep, away at work up in the hills, might even be asleep? But Samuel asked, and Jesse called, and David came back home. A King, he hardly looked the part, more one who'd like to roam. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: BARCHESTER FAI
Hymn: A commonwealth of love
Hymn: A commonwealth of love
by Andrew Pratt
A commonwealth of love where all are held by grace, it seems idyllic on the page, could it infect this place? Within that upper room were people just like us, but meeting Christ in faith and love transformed their depth of trust. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH
Hymn: By the streams of living water
Hymn: By the streams of living water
by Andrew Pratt
By the streams of living water trees are nurtured bearing fruit; these are strong and worthwhile plantings: spreading branches, healthy roots. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: SHIPSTON Metre: Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 2/5/2012 Stainer & Bell Ltd, London, England, www.stai
Hymn: Always looking for a sign
Hymn: Always looking for a sign
by Andrew Pratt
Always looking for a sign, never seeing what is there, people searching for some proof fixing Jesus with a stare. Standing lost and so bemused, hoping for some broken bread, Jesus meets their ignorance, people needing to be fed. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: BATTISHILL Metre:
Hymn: God has broken walls of heartache
Hymn: God has broken walls of heartache
by Andrew Pratt
God has broken walls of heartache, entered disability, challenged concepts that estrange us in our vulnerability. Gone the curtain of the temple, gone the altar where priests stood, now we stand within the presence of the one we name as God. Verses 3-5 follow Tune: ALL FOR JESUS
Hymn: How could God love against the grain