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Echoing the Word - Words at the distribution
Echoing the Word - Words at the distribution
by SPCK - Paula Gooder & Michael Perham
19 The prayer of humble access There are two sets of words to consider at the time of the distribution: first, those spoken by the president to invite people to Communion; second, those spoken by those distributing the consecrated bread and wine to each communicant in turn, altho
Hymn: On these days of feast and freedom
Hymn: On these days of feast and freedom
by Andrew Pratt
On these days of feast and freedom when we recollect God's grace, let us dance and sing together, greet each other face to face. Verses 2-3 follow Tune: RUSSION AIR (arranged Peacok, Jubilate, in Carol Praise 48 and elsewhere), ST ANDREW (Thorne) Metre: Andrew Pratt
Once crimson poppies bloomed