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Traces of Glory Year B - The Sixth Sunday of Easter - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - The Sixth Sunday of Easter - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
The Sixth Sunday of Easter Traces of Glory Year B Acts 10: 44-48 Psalm 98 1 John 5: 1-6 John 15: 9-17 Lord, as you have chosen us, empower an equip us, make us worthy of our calling that we may reveal your love and show forth your glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with yo
clouds and glory - Proper 16 - Year A
clouds and glory - Proper 16 - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 16 Year A Sunday between 21 and 27 August inclusive Lord, transform us by your love, that we may know and do your will, that we may live and work to your praise and glory, through Christ, the King of glory, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, world
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 21 - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 21 - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 21 Lord our God, On the way of goodness, if we stumble lift us up; On the way of holiness, if we stay bring us back; On the way of kindness, if we toughen soften our hearts; That we may draw others to you and your saving power, By our words and our example; Though Jesus Ch
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 17 - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 17 - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 17 Make clean our hearts, o God, and renew a spirit within us, that we may seek and serve in joy and gladness and bring others into the glory of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is a live and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever. Amen…
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 9 - Year B
Traces of Glory Year B - Proper 9 - Year B
by SPCK - David Adam
Proper 9 O Lord of light and vision, open our eyes to behold your presence, to perceive your love and to see your presence for us; that rejoicing in your presence and strengthened by your love we may do your will and become what you have called us to be; through Jesus Christ our
Clouds and Glory Year A - Christmas Day - Year A
Clouds and Glory Year A - Christmas Day - Year A
by SPCK - David Adam
Christmas Day Any of these sets of readings may be used on the evening of Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day: I Isaiah 9. 2-7 Ps.96 Titus 2. 11-14 Luke 2. 1-14 [15-20] II Isaiah 62. 6-12 Ps.97 Titus 3. 4-7 Luke 2. [1-7] 8-20 III Isaiah 52.7-10 Ps.98 Hebrews 1. 1-4 [5-12] John 1.
Clouds and Glory Year A - Palm Sunday - Year A