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Its all in the touch
Its all in the touch
by John Birch
A prayer about the Christian life.. 'It's all in the touch, the touch of love, the touch of healing, the touch of compassion, the touch of reassurance..........' Extract: It's all in the touch the touch of love the touch of healing the touch of compassion the touch of reassuran
Michael Jackson Bible Study
Michael Jackson Bible Study
by Tim Marshall
This is a Bible Study that I have created for a youth group I run. It is based around 8 songs from Michael Jackson. There are questions and Bible verses for each of those 8 followed by a list of possible further links to others songs by Michael Jackson. Based on: Matthew 7:1-7 Jo
Advent: Tears and darkness are not the last words
Advent: Tears and darkness are not the last words
by David Perry
Advent: Tears and darkness are not the last words Reflection accompanying image “Rejuvenation” and “My own secret self” If the signwriting manifestly belongs to another age, the qualities it denotes seem timelessly desirable. If the opportunity presented itself which of us would
Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - On Openness
Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - On Openness
by SPCK - John Goldingay
On Openness Psalm 139 My wife carries in her purse a photograph of her prospective grandchild, an image from her daughter’s sonogram. It is extraordinary to have this vivid reminder of the way a baby is steadily developing in the womb. When the prospective mother is sick, as she
Psalms for Everyone Part 2 - The Alternative to a Bulletproof Vest