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How God Became King - 9d Kingdom, Cross and God part 2
How God Became King - 9d Kingdom, Cross and God part 2
by SPCK - N T Wright
Kingdom, Cross and God part 2 This is how it works. First, the vision. Daniel has a dream of four monsters trampling the earth in great wickedness and violence. Then a court scene develops in heaven: ‘Thrones were set in place, and an Ancient One took his throne’ (7.9)…
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - The Seventh Sunday of Easter Year B
Gazing on the Gospels Year B - The Seventh Sunday of Easter Year B
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
The Seventh Sunday of Easter John 17:6-19 Gaze on the face of Jesus, rapt with attention. At this point, he is so deep in prayer that the disciples dare not fidget or interrupt such a holy moment. They do not cough or break the stillness of Jesus, who is directing his entire ener
by SPCK - N T Wright
Chapter TWO LIKE BIRDS HOVERING OVERHEAD: THE FAITHFULNESS OF THE GOD OF ISRAEL 2 Who Were the Pharisees? Twenty years ago or so there took place a massive debate about who exactly the Pharisees were.11 The debaters included heavyweights like Ed Sanders and Jacob Neusner, with th
How long, O Lord, until you hear
How long, O Lord, until you hear
by Gareth Hill Publishing/Song Solutions CopyCare
Hymn – How long, 0 Lord, until you hear How long, 0 Lord, until you hear the Church’s cry of pain? Our voices fail, our strength grows weak are all our dreams in vain? Yet still we search for shafts of hope for rumours of new birth, we strain for heaven’s answer to our anguish he
Online Mission and Ministry - Building an online community
Online Mission and Ministry - Building an online community
by SPCK - Pam Smith
Building an online community Even if your vision is for a project run solely by yourself, it is worth thinking about community. The online world is full of abandoned Christian sites, sadly forsaken and clogged up with adverts and spam posts which say nothing about the Christian m
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The Last Supper (or was it the first?) - 3
The Meal Jesus Gave Us - The Last Supper (or was it the first?) - 3
by SPCK - Tom Wright
3 The Last Supper (or was it the first?) Part One HOW IT ALL BEGAN No more disguises. You’re going to be a real person this time. The trick will still work, because no one at the meal knew what was going on. Except the host, of course. He had set the whole thing up – arranged it
Journeying with Matthew Lectionary Year A - Ordinary Time
Journeying with Matthew Lectionary Year A - Ordinary Time
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
8 Ordinary Time Exploring the text One of the themes of Matthew’s Gospel that recurs over and over again (and especially in the readings that appear during Ordinary Time) is the theme of what it means to be a community, and in particular what it means to be the Jesus community...
Prayer:God of the harvest
Prayer:God of the harvest
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayer: God of the harvest God of the harvest, we pray for all those who work the land, farming with crops and animals to provide food for our tables. Their work is hard and demanding. They often feel under-valued and at the mercy of market forces that set prices, which make it d
Scripture and the Authority of God - Misreadings of Scripture from Today's Context
Scripture and the Authority of God - Misreadings of Scripture from Today's Context
by SPCK - N T Wright
Misreadings of Scripture in Today’s Context The Growth of Misreadings Within this complex cultural context, it is not surprising that all kinds of misreadings of scripture have grown up, both among those who count themselves as Bible-believers and among those who distance themsel
Imagining the Lectionary:A seasonal sign of fruitful giving