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Eco Lectionary June
Eco Lectionary June
by Keynsham Methodist Church Eco Group
ECO-HINTS FROM THE LECTIONARY June 2011 Seventh Sunday of Easter (Sunday in Ascensiontide) Acts 1: 6-14 Psalm 68: 1-10, 32-35 I Peter 4: 12-14, 5: 6-11 John 17: 1-11 Psalm 68—God reveals himself through the weather. As the rain restores the dry land so God gives life to his peopl
Eco Lectionary July
Eco Lectionary July
by Keynsham Methodist Church Eco Group
ECO-HINTS FROM THE LECTIONARY July 2011 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time—3 July 2011 Zechariah 9: 9-12 Psalm 145: 8-14 (H&P 884) Romans 7: 15-25a Matthew 11: 16-19, 25-30 In Romans 7, Paul says “I do not understand what I do.” But we ought to be convinced that our actions (and it is
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