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meditation - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
meditation - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
by David Middleton
Meditation – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Yr B The 613 Squadron Mark 10: 46-52 The law-makers had been busy. 613 Laws according to one account, But which is the most important? I pause from my studies, Silent before my heavenly Father... Created by David Middleton on behalf of LW
GOD's rich Pattern - Wedding day
GOD's rich Pattern - Wedding day
by SPCK - Dr Lin Berwick
Wedding day The frenetic preparation on the morning of my wedding day hardly gave me any time to think about what I was undertaking. The whole day put me in a whirl. I can remember my mother asking me at six o’clock in the morning whether I had any regrets. I told her I couldn’t
Walking Backwards to Christmas - Chapter 5 David
Walking Backwards to Christmas - Chapter 5 David
by SPCK - Stephen Cottrell
Chapter 5 David In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for
friends, FOES and families - Am I my brother's keeper?
friends, FOES and families - Am I my brother's keeper?
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Am I my brother’s keeper? 1 John 2-4 Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates a brother or sister is still in the darkness. Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble. (1 John 2.9 –10)...
Gazing on the Gospels Year C - Proper 17 Year C
Gazing on the Gospels Year C - Proper 17 Year C
by SPCK - Judith Dimond
Proper 17 Luke 14: 1, 7-14 Gaze on a very common social situation – everyone arrives at a ‘do’, and there are several round tables laid up with glittering candles and vases of freesia and crisp white napkins. People are hovering about, for none wants to be the first to be seated,
God is love
God is love
by Elizabeth Stanforth-Sharpe
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in