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Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - God's Secret Plan Unveiled at Last
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - God's Secret Plan Unveiled at Last
by SPCK - N T Wright
God’s Secret Plan Unveiled at Last Ephesians 3.1-7 Naomi had started a small dressmaking business. She had always been skilful with her hands, and had a good eye for colour and pattern. Now she realized she could turn these abilities to good use, not only to make clothes for hers
Acts for Everyone part 1 - Handmade Shrines
Acts for Everyone part 1 - Handmade Shrines
by SPCK - N T Wright
Handmade Shrines Acts 7.35-53 When you go into a store in my country, and you see a sign saying ‘Made by Hand’, you know what it means. ‘This is good quality; it wasn’t just turned out by some faceless machine or computer; someone has taken personal trouble over it; you will appr
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Grown-Up Christianity
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Grown-Up Christianity
by SPCK - N T Wright
Grown-Up Christianity Ephesians 4.11-16 ‘Don’t be a baby.’ The words were meant to hurt, and they did. But they had the desired effect. The schoolboy had been whimpering about somebody being mean to him. He was hoping that the teacher would come to his rescue. But he suddenly rea
Revelation bible study guide - GUIDELINES FOR LEADERS
Revelation bible study guide - GUIDELINES FOR LEADERS
by SPCK - N T Wright
Guidelines For Leaders My grace is sufficient for you. (2 Corinthians 12:9) If leading a small group is something new for you, don’t worry. These sessions are designed to flow naturally and be led easily. You may even find that the studies seem to lead themselves!...
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - Hospitality for God's People
Early Christian Letters for Everyone - Hospitality for God's People
by SPCK - N T Wright
Hospitality for God’s People 3 John 1-8 One of the more exciting and entertaining parts of the Internet revolution is the kind of software that lets you zoom in, all the way from satellites in space, on a particular country, then a particular town, then a particular street, and f
Luke for Everyone - Jesus' Call to Watchfulness
Luke for Everyone - Jesus' Call to Watchfulness
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus’ Call to Watchfulness Luke 12.35-48 My most embarrassing moment of the year came while waiting at an airport to check in for a flight to Tel Aviv. I was leading a small pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and we had risen very early in the morning to get to the airport on time. We
Luke for Everyone - Jesus Revealed at Emmaus
Luke for Everyone - Jesus Revealed at Emmaus
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus Revealed at Emmaus Luke 24.28-35 Think of the first meal in the Bible. The moment is heavy with significance. ‘The woman took some of the fruit, and ate it; she gave it to her husband, and he ate it; then the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - Jesus Walks on Water
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - Jesus Walks on Water
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus Walks on Water Matthew 14.23-36 Curiously, only one great picture of this scene has ever been painted (by Conrad Witz in 1444). You might have thought it would make an ideal subject: Jesus as a shimmering figure on the water, the frightened disciples huddling in the boat, a
Luke for Everyone - Jesus' Authoritative Healings
Luke for Everyone - Jesus' Authoritative Healings
by SPCK - N T Wright
Jesus’ Authoritative Healings Luke 4.31-44 Last time I went to Capernaum you could hardly move because of the people. There were coaches full of pilgrims coming and going, parties of tourists with guides talking in several different languages, people taking photographs, people tr
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - Judgment Then Rather Than Now
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - Judgment Then Rather Than Now
by SPCK - N T Wright
Judgment Then Rather Than Now 1 Corinthians 4.1-5 I stood in the workshop, barely able to see over the workbench as my father patiently whittled away at a piece of wood. I was fascinated and (as befits an eight-year-old) puzzled. What on earth could he be doing? The work seemed t
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - Lawsuits in the Church?
Paul for Everyone 1 Corinthians - Lawsuits in the Church?
by SPCK - N T Wright
Lawsuits in the Church? 1 Corinthians 6.1-8 The business was just getting going when one of the customers noticed a strange thing. He had begun bringing his car to this particular garage a few months ago, and had believed that it was doing a good job. People in the community seem
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Knowing the Power of the King
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Knowing the Power of the King
by SPCK - N T Wright
Knowing the Power of the King Ephesians 1.15-23 ‘So how strong is it?’ My friend was showing me his new telescope. It was set up in an upstairs room, looking out towards sea. ‘Well, take a look.’ I had been scanning the horizon with my own small binoculars. There were a couple of
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Mission and Magic
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Mission and Magic
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mission and Magic Acts 13.1-12 Jim was full of enthusiasm when he left college. From his earliest memories he had been passionate about justice, about fairness, about people respecting one another and being able to live together in harmony. He had always admired the police (in En
Hebrews for Everyone - Melchizedek, the Great Priest-King
Hebrews for Everyone - Melchizedek, the Great Priest-King
by SPCK - N T Wright
Melchizedek, the Great Priest-King Hebrews 7.1-10 ‘I was telephoned by a Christian magazine a few months ago. They were running a feature on various writers and they wanted to know, among many other questions, which books I regarded as the most important in my thinking and my wor
John for Everyone part 2 - Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus
John for Everyone part 2 - Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mary Magdalene and the Risen Jesus John 20.11-18 The first time I went to stay with a family in Germany, I learnt enough German before the trip to know the basic rules of politeness. When people say ‘you’ in German, there are two forms, like the old English ‘ye’ (for more than on
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - More about the "Little Ones"
Matthew for Everyone Part 2 - More about the "Little Ones"
by SPCK - N T Wright
More about the “Little Ones” Matthew 18.8-14 Our neighbour was walking by the beach one day, with her dog, when suddenly the dog stopped and sniffed, and looked puzzled and wary. She stopped too, but she couldn’t see anything. Then she looked hard at the rocks in front of the dog
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - On Fasting and Lasting Treasure
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - On Fasting and Lasting Treasure
by SPCK - N T Wright
On Fasting and Lasting Treasure Matthew 6.16-24 The student looked crestfallen, as well he might. For weeks he had thought he was doing all right. Yes, he hadn’t been working as hard as he could have done; but he was in the college football team, and he was playing in a rock grou
Matthew for Everyone Part 1 - On Prayer