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Judgment Then Rather Than Now
1 Corinthians 4.1-5

I stood in the workshop, barely able to see over the workbench as my father patiently whittled away at a piece of wood. I was fascinated and (as befits an eight-year-old) puzzled. What on earth could he be doing? The work seemed to have no purpose, no beauty, no reason. He was just cutting, very slowly, more and more tiny shavings off an already very thin spike. Surely if he went on like that there would soon be nothing left?

I can’t remember what I said but it must have sounded critical as well as questioning. He was in any case concentrating hard and didn’t need interrupting. ‘Shouldn’t see a job half done.’ Another puzzle, perhaps a tease. What was going on?...

Taken from Paul 1 Corinthians for Everyone – by Tom Wright

Publisher: SPCK - view more
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