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Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Knowing the Power of the King
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Knowing the Power of the King
by SPCK - N T Wright
Knowing the Power of the King Ephesians 1.15-23 ‘So how strong is it?’ My friend was showing me his new telescope. It was set up in an upstairs room, looking out towards sea. ‘Well, take a look.’ I had been scanning the horizon with my own small binoculars. There were a couple of
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Unity in Everything
Paul for Everyone The Prison Letters - Unity in Everything
by SPCK - N T Wright
Unity in Everything Philippians 2.1-4 We sat and watched spellbound as the actors moved at what seemed like the speed of light. It was a complex and intricate play, with many layers and double or treble meanings. At times things were happening so fast, all around the stage, that
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - We Have Ways of Keeping You Safe
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - We Have Ways of Keeping You Safe
by SPCK - N T Wright
We Have Ways of Keeping You Safe Acts 23.23-35 Richard Adams’ celebrated novel Watership Down draws the reader into the dramatic and complicated world of a group of rabbits. We follow with increasing sympathy and fascination as Hazel and his companions go on their journey. (Adams
Poem: Always missing, never grasping
Poem: Always missing, never grasping
by Andrew Pratt
(Doubting Thomas after Leonard Cohen’s song 'Suzanne' which has the line: '…and Jesus was a sailor...') Always missing, never grasping, hope amid this shifting sea, coast and haven seem remote now, too far off to harbour me. Yet those fishermen are telling news that I can't compr
Reflection/Dialogue on 1 Corinthians 12:12–31a
Reflection/Dialogue on 1 Corinthians 12:12–31a
by Andrew Pratt
Reflection/Dialogue on 1 Corinthians 12: 12–31a Notes: A reflection on 1 Corinthians 12:12–31a as a conversation between a person and God on the phone or the internet without a video link. First speaker: A committee of one, me, is so much easier to handle don't you think? Well, a
The wisdom of elders is sometimes berated
The wisdom of elders is sometimes berated
by Andrew Pratt
The wisdom of elders is sometimes berated yet Anna and Simeon saw what was true: persistence rewarded, their waiting accomplished, their journey of faithfulness starting anew. Verse 2 follows Tune: STREETS OF LAREDO Andrew Pratt (born 1948) Words © 30/1/2014 Stainer & Bell Ltd,
What news is good? What words give hope?
What news is good? What words give hope?
by Andrew Pratt
What news is good? What words give hope? What sense of value do we feel when meeting with our God in Christ, what gives the sense, provides the seal? This seal of perfect love and faith, this hope of holiness and grace, the knowledge that our path is right, is given in our saviou
When Moses uttered, ones who heard
When Moses uttered, ones who heard
by Andrew Pratt
When Moses uttered, ones who heard assumed he spoke for them, for now, not for some future time or place still wanting of a Saviour's grace. And yet those words would resonate beyond that early utterance, would still have force in later years to speak to latent needs and fears. V
Who can fathom point or purpose
Who can fathom point or purpose
by Andrew Pratt
Who can fathom point or purpose in our random history? Who can frame a sharper focus, clear the clouds of mystery. In this present generation, where can God be seen or known? Are we blind to love and goodness where the grace of God is shown? Verse 3 follows Tune: GOTT WILL’S MACH