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Lectio Divina - Challenges during lectio divina
Lectio Divina - Challenges during lectio divina
by SPCK - Enzo Bianchi
Challenges during lectio divina There is no doubt that this primacy of holiness and prayer is inconceivable without a renewed listening to the word of God . . . It is especially necessary that listening to the word of God should become a life-giving encounter, in the ancient and …
Lectio Divina - The whole Bible as a unity
Lectio Divina - The whole Bible as a unity
by SPCK - Enzo Bianchi
The whole Bible as a unity The attitude of ‘hearing the word of God with reverence’ (Dei Verbum 1), which we express by interpreting Scripture with its divine authorship in mind, also involves paying attention to the ‘unity of the whole of Scripture’ (DV 12). Only the unity of th…
The Things He Carried - 6. The Sins of the World
The Things He Carried - 6. The Sins of the World
by SPCK - Stephen Cottrell
THE THINGS HE CARRIED 6. The Sins of the World He carried the sins of the world. He carried the harsh words that I reserve for those I love most. He carried the bruising resentfulness of my pride. He carried every one of the petty excuses that I use to defend myself. He carried t…
Lectio Divina - The room and the keys
Lectio Divina - The room and the keys
by SPCK - Enzo Bianchi
The room and the keys The Hebrew has passed on a beautiful tradition to us; it has to do with divine Scripture in its entirety. According to this man, all of divinely inspired Scripture, because of the obscurity that is in it, can be compared to many locked rooms in a house. Next…
GOD's rich Pattern - The final walk
GOD's rich Pattern - The final walk
by SPCK - Dr Lin Berwick
The final walk In my last meditation I spoke of the unity within my family: Ralph, myself and Harvey, our dog, who meant so much to Ralph. Ralph had had a very difficult year, with lots of bouts of infection and trips to hospital, becoming more and more fatigued and weakened by t…
GOD's rich Pattern - My best friend
GOD's rich Pattern - My best friend
by SPCK - Dr Lin Berwick
My best friend It was Princess Diana who famously once said, ‘There were three of us in this marriage.’ In our case there certainly were – namely, Ralph, myself and Harvey, our chocolate English Cocker Spaniel. He came into our life when he was eleven weeks old. Ralph and I had a…
A Bit Like Jesus - The founder of the Samaritans
A Bit Like Jesus - The founder of the Samaritans
by SPCK - Robin Gill
WEEK 4 Care The founder of the Samaritans Chad Varah, Rector of St Stephen, Walbrook and founder of the Samaritans, died aged 95 on 8 November 2007. The very next day The Times published a full-page obituary. There cannot be many Anglican clergy, other than archbishops, who might…
A Bit Like Jesus - Compassion and God
A Bit Like Jesus - Compassion and God
by SPCK - Robin Gill
WEEK 3 Compassion Compassion and God If God is seen as wholly compassionate, we in turn should have compassion for each other and for the world that God has entrusted to us. Compassion should be central for us as human beings because God is already compassionate towards us. This …
A Bit Like Jesus - The story of the Caring Samaritan
A Bit Like Jesus - The story of the Caring Samaritan
by SPCK - Robin Gill
WEEK 4 Care The story of the Caring Samaritan Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. ‘Teacher,’ he said, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ He said to him, ‘What is written in the law? What do you read there?’ He answered, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all you…
A Bit Like Jesus - Humility between faiths
A Bit Like Jesus - Humility between faiths
by SPCK - Robin Gill
WEEK 6 Humility Humility between faiths From there he set out and went away to the region of Tyre. He entered a house and did not want anyone to know he was there. Yet he could not escape notice, but a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit immediately heard about him,…
GOD's rich Pattern - Where was God?
GOD's rich Pattern - Where was God?
by SPCK - Dr Lin Berwick
Where was God? I couldn’t pray, I could only cry out in anguish. Why Lord? Why did you allow this to happen? I had, I felt, experienced my own personal Calvary a number of times in my life, and now I was having more problems heaped upon me. So many of us feel that we are not stro…
A Bit Like Jesus - Hypocrisy and paedophile priests
A Bit Like Jesus - Hypocrisy and paedophile priests
by SPCK - Robin Gill
WEEK 2 Hypocrisy Hypocrisy and paedophile priests Forget about my petty scruples concerning Ash Wednesday. It is time to take a much stronger example of religious hypocrisy. For instance, the shameful way that for generations senior clergy in a number of churches covered up for t…
A Bit Like Jesus - Practise what you preach
A Bit Like Jesus - Practise what you preach
by SPCK - Robin Gill
WEEK 2 Hypocrisy Practise what you preach Those who regularly deliver sermons in church should live in fear of this proverb. It might have been designed for us. Do we really live up to what we preach? A common factor in many of the uses of the word ‘hypocrite’ in the first thre…
A Bit Like Jesus - Religious hypocrisy
A Bit Like Jesus - Religious hypocrisy
by SPCK - Robin Gill
WEEK 2 Hypocrisy Religious hypocrisy This accusation against religious people is especially strong in the first three Gospels. Within the New Testament the term ‘hypocrite’ is found only in these Gospels. It is always found on the lips of Jesus himself. And it is typically direct…
Genesis for Everyone Part 2 - Am I in the Place of God?