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journeying with John - Introduction Getting to know the Gospel of John
journeying with John - Introduction Getting to know the Gospel of John
by SPCK - Woodward, Gooder and Pryce
Introduction Getting to know the Gospel of John Of all the Gospels, John’s probably receives the most mixed response. For many Christians John contains some of the most iconic and well-loved stories in all the Gospels: stories like that of the woman at the well or Mary’s recognit…
Meeting God in Paul - 1 Outsiders and insiders: Paul’s social world
Meeting God in Paul - 1 Outsiders and insiders: Paul’s social world
by SPCK - Rowan Williams
Outsiders and insiders:Paul’s social world When daylight came, the magistrates sent their officers with the order ‘Release those men.’ The jailer reported these instructions to Paul: ‘The magistrates have sent an order for your release. Now you are free to go in peace.’ But Paul …
by SPCK - N T Wright
Chapter Four HISTORY AND THE FIRST CENTURY THE NEW TESTAMENT AND THE PEOPLE OF GOD (iii) Wanted: New Categories What we find, in short, is that the epistemological tools of our age seem inadequate for the data before us. One of the present ironies, typical of movements within the…
The Monastery Of The Heart - 18 A Listening Heart
The Monastery Of The Heart - 18 A Listening Heart
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
A Listening Heart “Listen carefully to my instructions… and attend to them with the ear of your heart.” There is a magnet in a seeker’s heart whose true north is God. It bends toward the Voice of God with the ear of the heart and, like sunflowers in the sun, turns all of life tow…
Mere Apologetics - 4c Apologetics to the Romans: Paul’s Legal Speeches (Acts 24-26)
Mere Apologetics - 4c Apologetics to the Romans: Paul’s Legal Speeches (Acts 24-26)
by SPCK - Alister McGrath
Apologetics to the Romans: Paul’s Legal Speeches (Acts 24-26) The third audience early Christianity encountered was the Romans. At that time, Rome was the imperial force dominating the Mediterranean world. It is clear that the imperial Roman authorities regarded the emergence of …
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 10 Christian Unity Paul, Apollos and Cephas as One
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 10 Christian Unity Paul, Apollos and Cephas as One
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Christian Unity Paul is now ready to present the fourth section of the first essay. The outline of the whole is The Cross and Christian Unity (1:10–4:16) The Problem: Divisions, Baptism and the Cross (1:10-16) The Wisdom and Power of God: The Cross (1:17–2:2) The Wisdom of God: R…
Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 10 VISIO DIVINA
Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 10 VISIO DIVINA
by Christine Valters Painter
VISIO DIVINA The four movements of lectio create a sacred rhythm that nurtures our ability to experience God’s presence in the world around us. As we grow in our ability to become present to God in our prayer, this awareness begins to spill over into our daily lives. We may disco…
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 10 The Transfiguration
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 10 The Transfiguration
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Transfiguration The transfiguration is one of the key episodes in the Synoptic Gospels, occurring in all three. Like the baptism with which it connects, the transfiguration is a onetime event in the pre-passion ministry of Jesus. It is sometimes classed as an epiphany story, …
The Monastery Of The Heart - 10 Direction and Counsel
The Monastery Of The Heart - 10 Direction and Counsel
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Direction and Counsel “Do everything with counsel and you will not be sorry afterward.” Benedictine spirituality sets out to build communities that, together, seek the universal God, that hold the wounded of the world in one heart, and that serve the world by being for it oases o…
Great Christian Thinkers - 11 St. Cyril of Jerusalem
Great Christian Thinkers - 11 St. Cyril of Jerusalem
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Cyril of Jerusalem Our attention is focused now on St. Cyril of Jerusalem. His life is woven of two dimensions: on the one hand, pastoral care, and on the other, his involvement, in spite of himself, in the heated controversies that were then tormenting the Church of the East…
The Monastery Of The Heart - 11 Sufficiency and Sharing
The Monastery Of The Heart - 11 Sufficiency and Sharing
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Sufficiency and Sharing “Do everything with moderation.” The purpose of the monastic life is never to amass wealth for the sake of the self. Instead, Benedict’s definition of the relationship between persons and things is sufficiency, not frugality… Taken from The Monastery Of Th…
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 12 The Empty Tomb
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 12 The Empty Tomb
by SPCK - Edward Adams
The Empty Tomb None of the four evangelists describes Jesus’ actual resurrection, but they all report the discovery of the empty tomb, and all except Mark recount appearances of the risen Jesus to his followers. The resurrection accounts of the four Gospels are notoriously diffic…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 13 Essay 2 Sex
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 13 Essay 2 Sex
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Essay 2 Sex Paul is now ready to begin his second essay, which focuses on sexual practice and its theological foundation. The essay comprises four sections and one extended aside. The outline of the overall essay is as follows: 2.1. Immorality and the Church (4:17–6:8) 2.2. (Thre…
Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 12 NATURE AS SACRED TEXT
Lectio Divina the Sacred Art - 12 NATURE AS SACRED TEXT
by Christine Valters Painter
NATURE AS SACRED TEXT Every being is praising God The fire has its flame and praises God. The wind blows the flame and praises God. In the voice we hear the word which praises God. And the word, when heard, praises God. So all of creation is a song of praise to God… Taken from Le…
Great Christian Thinkers - 14 St, Gregory of Nyssa
Great Christian Thinkers - 14 St, Gregory of Nyssa
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Gregory of Nyssa Theologian of Life in the Spirit In the last chapters, I spoke of two great fourth-century Doctors of the Church, Basil and Gregory of Nazianzus, a bishop in Cappadocia, in present-day Turkey. Today, we are adding a third, St. Gregory of Nyssa, Basil’s brothe…
Great Christian Thinkers - 13 St. Gregory of Nazianzus
Great Christian Thinkers - 13 St. Gregory of Nazianzus
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
St. Gregory of Nazianzus His Life and Times After discussing St. Basil, a Father of the Church and a great teacher of the faith, I speak now of his friend Gregory of Nazianzus. Like Basil, he was a native of Cappadocia. As a distinguished theologian, orator, and champion of the C…
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 14 Essay 2 Sex (cntd)