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Prayer - Eternal God, all our praise will never be enough
Prayer - Eternal God, all our praise will never be enough
by Euruic
Prayer of Adoration, Confession and Thanksgiving Based on Isaiah 6:1-8 Eternal God, all our praise will never be enough to sing of Your Glory. Whatever situations we might find ourselves in, You Are God, Forever the same, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Your Love never ceases Your L
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Epiphany Prayer
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Epiphany Prayer
by SPCK - Ian Black
Epiphany Prayer Generous God, everything we are and have comes from you; in adoration we lay before you the sweet fragrance of our worship for you alone are worthy of our praise and thanksgiving... Taken from Prayers for All Occasions by Ian Black Published by SPCK
Christmas Prayer:Thank You
Christmas Prayer:Thank You
by Sue Brown
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession Thank you, Lord for Mary. Thank you for her willingness to do what you asked of her, for the care she took of Jesus while he was a baby and as he grew up. Mary showed great faith in you, trusting you although the way ahead was hard. Remem
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 10 Year B
Twelve Months of Sundays Year B - Proper 10 Year B
by SPCK - N T Wright
Proper 10 2 Samuel 6.1-5, 12b-19 Ephesians 1.3-14 Mark 6.14-29 Two kings, a thousand years apart, and both in trouble at home. David brings God’s ark into Jerusalem, and is so carried away with dancing and leaping before the Lord that his wife despises him, remembering no doubt t
7 results